Chapter 4

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A/N: I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOREVER!! School has been a pain, and I wanted to take time off from writing during my Winter break. But I am back!!

Y/N’s P.O.V.

As the movie was playing, I was trying to advert my gaze onto anything else possible. The movie was absolutely terrifying, but Aizawa seemed to be enjoying it. Now for Hizashi, he seems like he’s scared, but not to where he’s about to piss himself like I am. All I know is that I will be ready to dash once the movie is over.

A scream came from the TV, causing my ears to slightly ring and my eyes to squeeze shut. I quickly grabbed onto the nearest thing to me, which just so happened to be Aizawa. I was hugging his arm with my dear life. He looked down at me, a slight smirk on his face. But then he noticed how genuinely scared I was. He sighed, took his arm away from my grasp, and wrapped it around my shoulders. My eyes widened, and I looked up to see Aizawa wasn’t even bothering to look at me. Although his face was facing the TV, you could see a pink tint covering his cheeks.

I sat there, feeling very awkward, but happy at the same time. His grasp feels so safe, like he’s protecting my wellbeing. I haven’t been held in a protective manner in 15 years, so I didn’t take the moment for granted. I slightly snuggle into his side, trying to become comfortable. I never expected to be cuddling with a man who I met not even a week ago, inside his house that I moved into because my own dad kicked me out, but here we are. 

He sent a quick glance at me, seeing how I had a small smile on my face, while also being snuggled deep into his side. He sent me a little smile, which I didn’t get to see. I was too focused on staying calm and not being scared anymore. Of course I was still scared of the movie, but being held makes it a lot easier for me to watch. After all, it makes me feel like I’m not alone.

Hizashi looked over, his eyes widening instantly as he noticed Aizawa’s arm around me. He leaned over and whispered into Aizawa’s ear, “What’s up with you two? I thought you two just met, but you two are dating??” Aizawa’s eyes widened and he shook his head, whispering back, “No, we did just meet. Poor thing is just scared, so I was trying to help.” Hizashi wiggled his eyebrows, “Suuuure, whatever floats your boat, Shouta.”

Hizashi got up and walked towards the door, grabbing a few cookies for the road beforehand. He smirked and sent me a wink, “I’ll be heading out now. Be sure to use protection kiddos!!” He put on his shoes and shoved a cookie in his mouth, running for it soon after he made his statement. He left, leaving myself and a flustered Aizawa alone together. I look up at him, “Well that was weird.. What do you wanna do now?”

Aizawa wanted to stay up and spend the rest of the night with me, but he didn’t want to seem vulnerable, or like he liked the younger girl that sat beside him. He stood up, “I’m kinda tired, I think I’m gonna go to bed.” The warmth and comfort left me in almost an instant, and it took me aback. I looked around, not seeing where he went, until I saw a tall dark figure walking up the stairs of our shared house. A sigh escaped my lips, the night coming to an end. 

But I didn’t want it to end.. I just wanted to recreate that feeling he gave me.

Word Count: 612

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