Chapter 36

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"wake up darling!" Severus whispers in my ear. I mutter "no- o" I feel his breath in my neck and his nose sliding down to my cheek. He gives me soft kisses from my cheek all the way to the lowest of my neck.

I open one eye and smirk "that Tickles." I murmer. He's going to lie back by me. "wake up princess." he mutters. "in.... 10...minutes." I say and close my eyes again. "no! Now!" he says and grabs the blanket and pulls it off me. "sev!" I say and curl my body. "yes my love?" he says sarcastic. I try to grab the blanket again but everytime he draws it away. "fine!" I say and go sit up.

*time change* after my herbiogy exam*

I walk out the room, no one is waiting for me because Severus had a class. "I'm done!" I say (with occlumency) "how was it?" he replies. "it was    Okey"
I answer. "I'm sorry but after this class Dumbledore wanted to see me so I will see you in afternoon." he says. "oh, that's Okey." I answer Disappointed. "take some you time." he says. "ok."

How would it be with luna? I walk to the hospital wing. No luna, no Draco...

"they aren't here anymore." poppy says when she sees me. "where are they?" I ask. "I don't know?" she replies.

They are probably in the commonroom. I think by myself. "thank you." I say and walk to the commonroom. I walk to our room (that's more draco's room because I always sleep by Severus.).

"how dare you?!" I hear luna shouting. "sorry, it's my duty to do." I hear Draco. What is happening?! I knock on the door. No one replies. What should I do? I stand there for 2 minutes lissening, but then I hear someone slamming against the wall. No time to lose! I open the door and see Draco standing there with tears in his eyes, he's holding luna's arms in the air with one hand and the other hand holds his wand Against her chin.

They both look at me. "stupefy!" I yell, Draco smashes to the wall and falls down. Luna runs to me, "what happened?" I ask. She runs past me.

"Luna? Luna?!" I yell. She starts running faster. Once she Reached the parting of some corridors, I couldn't find her.

My only option is to go back and ask Draco what happened. What could have happened?

I'm back in our room Draco is still laying on the floor. I walk closer, his eyes following me. He can't do anything, I know... But it's still a bit scary. I never had seen luna like that.

I take out my wand to make him back normal. But then.....

I see a black thing on draco's arm. I imideatly think of the dark mark! No, that can't be true!! I have to be sure. I duck to his arm and take some deep breaths before I dare to look.
I almost choke in my breath. No! No! This can't be true!! My friend? My friend where I shared all my memories with, the friend I Trusted again. Is- is a.....
NO! I can't think of that! I wan't answers! Now!

I let Draco lay on the floor and rush back again out of the room. My hip is hurting but I don't stop running.

I stand for Dumbledores office. Shit? What is his password?! As if it was in a movie I hear Severus in my head. "love? I think it's better if you come to Dumbledores office." he says. "I'm already there! I have to tell you something!!" I say. "that can wait I guess. This is really important!" he respons. On that moment Dumbledore and Severus appears. "come." Dumbledore says. "but but!" I stumble. "no it can wait luna really..." Severus says. I clearly see it's not Okey with him, but this is REALLY important!!

"I saw the dark mark on draco's arm!!" I almost shout. Dumbledore turns back to me, his eyes wide open. "excuse me?" he mutters. "come! This can't wait!" I grab Severus sleeve and drag him to the room. Dumbledore is walking behind us.

Once we are there Dumbledore bows over Draco and inspects his mark. "Severus. I think we need some veritaserum." Severus nods his head and walks out of the room. This is not mine Severus? Why is he acting so strange?


Plot twist ;))

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