Chapter 2

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After a few seconds I start to slow down. I open my eyes and see many people looking at me. Shit!! I transported to the teachers room. I walk out of the fire place, it's very uncomfortable. "and what are you doing here miss Luna?" I hear proffesor snape saying. "uhmm - uhm..... I had some problems at home and I was thinking if I.... maybe could be here in the rest of the vacation?" shit I didn't think of how random it would be if I stand in Hogwarts 2 weeks early! Snape raises an eyebrow and turns to the teachers. "you know that this never happened before?" McGonagall said after some minutes. I feel that I'm blushing "I - I can go back if you want?" I said with a little voice. Snape stands up "no your not going home!" everyone is shocked that snape said something. Snape looks at dumbledore and McGonagall. "okey your staying here but you have to help us." McGonagall said.

The teachers are trying to ask what happened home but I don't want to talk about it. Snape is very quiet and I don't know why? It looks like he's thinking about something. After some minutes I can sit next to proffesor sprout. "dear can you help me tomorrow?" she asks. I smile as answer. After some minutes the teachers starting to eat. "did you eat dear?" sprout asked. "uhm yes I already had dinner" I lied. Everyone is eating and talking. It's getting late and I start yawning. "Let's bring me to your dorm." Lupos said. I walk after him and let my bags fly after me. "new wand?" he asked. "yes from today." I said. He smiles at me. When I'm by the commonroom lupos asked once more what happened but I don't answer and go inside. It's strainge to see the commonroom empty.... Before I go upstairs to chose a sleeping room I fall in one of the seats. Would Draco has read my letter? I go upstairs. In the top I find a beautiful room, I drop my baggage and lay in my bed. i'm almost sleeping when I hear a little noise. When I open my eyes I see my owl sitting outside. He has answer from Draco!


What happened ! are you hurt? Let me know!

Father is again angry. I hide in my room, but I hear mom yelling at him.

Sometimes I hear something breaking.


I write back and go to sleep. The next morning I need to wake up early for helping proffesor sprout. She's already waiting for me outside. "hello proffesor!"

" hello Luna, are you ready?"

"of course!"

I walk with her. I have to plant some little herbs for the first years. "proffesor can I do something else for you?" I ask when I'm ready. "you can go sweetheart." She said. I walk to the great hall, some professors are still eating. "can I help?" I ask. "if you want we can practice some old spells?" Lupos said. I walk with him to his classroom. "let's see what you can do with you new wand. Lets try expecto patronum." I never did expecto patronum because I doesn't have a strong enough memory.

"i- I don't know If I can do that professor."

"just try."

"expecto patronum."

Nothing happens. I try again, still nothing happens. It's clear that even in my 6th year I can still not produce a Patronus. Snape walks in while I'm trying. "lupos you forgot to take your wolf potion." Everyone knows that lupos is a werewolf after last year but it doesn't matter. Everyone who disagreed with dumbledore went to another school most of my friends did that, that's why I only have Draco as friend.

Snape watches me for some time. "I don't think it's going to work." He said. I look at him, how dare he says something like that to me! But he isn't wrong. "proffesor I need to go to the toilet." I said and I walk out the room. They both watch me when I walk out. When I close the door and no one can see me I start to cry in silence. I know that I'm not enough and I know that snape don't care about other people but it still hurts. I go to the toilet and wait until I'm ready to go back. Snape is gone and it's only me and lupin. "let's try something else" he said. The other spells are going perfect and after one hour I can go. It's lunch and I'm hungry so I go to the great hall. Dumbledore is talking with McGonagall. "come Luna we go eating." They said. I look a bit confused at them. "we don't eat here if there are no students." They explain. I go with them to the teachers room. When I walk in I see everyone sitting on the big table. Dumbledore gives his wand a wave and place a chair next to sprout and snape. I don't feel hungry anymore and decide not to eat until sprout noticed

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