Chapter 38

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Severus go sit on his knees so we can talk on eye Height. "I'm not stopped by the death eaters..." he mutters. I Frown my eyebrows "what do you mean?" I ask. "I am stopped, but they don't know that. I'm a spy.." Severus says.

"I act like I'm one of them. Tonight I have to go to the dark lord....." he tries not to look at me. "what do you mean?!" I ask. "you know the dark mark, it's some sort of communication. If it's dark and it moves it means we have to go for an Meeting. The last time I didn't go because I was with you." he mutters. "but we decided that I now have to go, luna... I'm important in this and this is my duty to do, this is the only way possible to make me feel less Guilty about my past."

"I understand, but-" I can't say the last words. I lay my arms over his shoulders and cry in his neck.

Dumbledore walks back in. I wipe my tears of my face and hold severus his hand tight in mine. "I understand it's hard." Dumbledore mutters. "so- my parents are back by them?" I ask. "yes. I expect they are trying to get contact with you again in a few days." Dumbledore says. "why?" Severus and I ask on the same moment.

"Severus, you are now a bit suspicious for the dark lord. He probably is going to try to get luna on his side, he knows that your going to follow luna then." Dumbledore says a bit dreamy. "what do I have to do when my parents contact me?" I ask. "come to me. I heard from Severus that you can communicate with occlumency?" I nod my head. "just focus on trying to send it to me." Dumbledore says. I nod my head again.

Dumbledore turns back to Severus "after dinner you can go." he says. Severus looks at me, I nipe in his hand and try to smile a bit. "I will let you two go now." we stand up and make our way out. "oh, luna!" Dumbledore calls me. I turn to him. "you don't have to do your exams anymore, you have proved that your ready." Dumbledore smiles weakly "thank you."

"I think it's better if we walk for a bit..." Severus says. "I'm scared." I say. "I know love, I'm also scared...." he mutters.

We walk in silince in the hall on our way to outside. "what, what if you don't return tonight?" I ask while trying to hold my tears. "don't think of that." he says emotion less. "but sev, it can happen!" he turns to me and holds my 2 hands. "then your going to be fine, and you will help protecting hogwarts." I fall into his arms. "Do you really have to go this evening." I say while crying. "I'm afraid I have no choice."

We go to dinner, I'm looking for luna but she's not here. "what is wrong my dear?" Sprout asks. "uh, nothing. Just a bad day." I lie.

An owl flies in, on this hour?! I recognize the owl when it flies closer to me. It drops the message on my legs. Severus and Dumbledore are glaring at me. I sent a 'help' face to them. Severus and Dumbledore stand up and walk away. I follow them, "is it from your parents?" Dumbledore asks. I read the message on the Envelope.

"from mom and dad." I read. "good, that Confirms my troughts." Dumbledore mutters. "Tom wants you two to come on the same time."

"why?" Severus asks. "I think your not going to be alone there." Dumbledore says Mysterious. "but luna first, open the envelope."

I do as he says and read out loud:

Dear Luna

Can you come to the malfoy's today?
Draco is also going to be there and we want to talk with you.
We are sorry for you and want to change somethings that happened in the past.

Mom and dad.

I turn back to Dumbledore and Severus. "we have to free Draco." Dumbledore says. "how're we going to do that?" Severus asks. "we use imperio." Dumbledore answers with a deep voice. "Luna, you have now a big Responsibility on you! Do everything they say, lissen carefully and act like your on their side. Don't let voldemort enter your mind! He uses occlumency much on his Followers." Dumbledore commands. "head master if I can, she has to let him in but she doesn't can let him see her true troughts. You have to make face memories." Severus says.

"how do I have to do that?" I ask scared. "make your mind believe in your fake memories and close your real memories." he says.

"can- can we try it now?" I ask. "no you have to go now!" Dumbledore says and rushs to his Office. Severus his cape flies after him while he runs after Dumbledore." Luna! Go change your clothes! " Severus shouts. What?! Change my clothes?! I run to Severus quarters and look in my closet." what do people wear there? " I ask (with occlumency)" dark clothes, do your hair style and make it look expensive." he respons. I look in the closet, but then I get a flashback from in the vacation.

My mom gives me a black dress "your going to need this in the future." now I understand what she means!

I run to the commonroom and grab my dress, it's not that bad! While the Hair straightener is warming up I do my dress on and some makeup. "are you ready?" Severus asks (occlumency) yes I'm coming, 5 minutes." I respons." I'm waiting for you outside by the lake. "

I run as fast as I can to the lake, Dumbledore and Draco are standing there with Severus. Draco is acting normal? " what? " I ask. "imperio, I control him now." Severus says.

"take my hand." Dumbledore orders us. We grab his hand and in no time we're outside the school grounds. "did-" I ask but I can't make of my sentences because I'm very Nauseous. "yes you just apparaten." Dumbledore answers me. "I let you now alone." he says and then he's gone. "sorry love but we have to do it a 2th time." Severus says with Pity. "no- no problem." I respons.


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