Chapter 8

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It's Autumn vacation. Hole the castle is preparing for the big party. I didn't speak to Draco, most of my time I walk to the garden.

Now it's noon and everyone is eating.... Except me.... . I'm walking past the great hall trough the commonroom. I was making my work for the vacantion when I hear someone coming in. I'm sitting in my room so I don't see who it is. I look at my clock to see how late it is. Hmm strange everyone is normally eating on this hour. I try to hear what the person is doing. Nothing? Okey I just go do my work again while I listen to music (yt - train wreck). I sing loud with the music. It's sad music, everyone said that I listen to strange music. I can feel the music.

I don't recognize that someone opens the door. When I open my eyes I see someone standing in the opening from the door. I stutter "prof - proffesor snape?" shit!! "that was a beautiful solo." He laughs.

"what are you doing here?" I ask

"I can you ask the same why aren't you at lunch?"

"not hungry."

'he raises an eyebrow.'

"you don't eat Luna, I know it........ I brought you food. Your going to eat it now with me." He said.

"but proffesor I'm not hungry."

He just ignored me and gives me the food. I don't want to eat, especially when he's there. He takes a sandwich and waits for me to do the same. I refuse.

"why do you even care about me? No one cares about me......" I said.

"I already told you."

"no you told me nothing. You only said that you know how I feel."

"isn't that enough?!"

"so many people tried to help me, so many people lied to me, what is the different?" I murmured.

"Luna, my parents did fight all day long, I was bullied, I lost the love of my love through my own fault, I was depressed and didn't eat like you, and what my biggest fold was is going by the death eaters." he rolls up his sleeve so I can see the dark mark.

I'm shocked. Not because of the dark mark my parents have one on their arm too. I am shocked because snape opened up to me. He looks at his knees. I take a sandwich and start to eat. Surprised he looks at me while I'm eating. It's hard to finish my sandwich, but I do my best and after 45minutes I'm done. He smiles at me. Wow that's strange to see Snape smiling!!! "well done." He said

He walks to the door and turns around just before he leaves the room. "your going to eat now with me you come to my office! I want you to see every meal! And you don't tell anyone what I said to you!!"

I nod my head. He walks out of the room.

I try to do my work but I can't focus anymore. I just go read a book and go to sleep.

The next day it's Halloween party. I don't think I go, I don't have any friends so there is nothing fun. In the morning I go to professors snape offices to eat breakfast. I knock no the door. After some seconds the door opens. "ah you came." He said. "you said that I had to." I said a little bit playful. I walk in. Snape closes the door after me and walks to his desk. I go sit in the seat opposite him. Normally in the morning I don't eat, so it's very difficult to eat now.

"which song where you listening yesterday?"

I look shocked at him "uhm I think it was train wreck."

"you can sing you know?" he said.

I don't know how to react, I start to blush and just keep eating.

"are you going to the Halloween party?"

"I don't know, I don't think so........ I have no friends so what can I do there?"

"come sit by the teachers.... Everyone loves you from the teachers. You are the student who is kind and one of the only slytherins."

I don't answer, it would be strange to sit by the teachers as a student. After breakfast I help dumbledore decorating the prize room." are you going to the party? " Dumbledore asked." I don't know...." I answer." come on just come sit by us. " he said.

"but I don't have party clothes."

"you can go now to daigon alley."

"Can I do that?"

"yes, you can go now."

I rush out of the room. When I'm in diagon alley I walk in a strange shop. An old man walks to me
"what can I do for you?" he said with an cracky voice. "I'm just looking around."

I don't find anything in the shop so I walk into another shop. There I find a dress, it's a simple dress. It's red, The skirt rises above my knees and it has Long sleeves. I take it and go back to the castle.

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