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For once, I just wanna talk again.


-Y/N P.O.V-

Today, was a day not like any other. I held Techno's hand as he planted soft kisses on my cheek. "This might be our last day you know?" I whispered, running my hands through his hair. "Don't worry about it. We planned it for months, I don't think anyone knows except the rebels" He muttered back. "After all.. this.. what will we do? Where will we go?" I questioned. "Living a life with you sounds nice" Techno burried his head in the crook of my neck. "This will be the end of the city's cruelity." I sighed. "Hope everything goes to plan."


-Tubbo P.O.V-

"Shlatt! I got the plans, be careful.. We're bring everyone to the fight. I think you wanna prepare now since you got until sundown." I said through my ear piece as I sent him today's plans. "One more thing Tubbo." Shlatt said. "Y-yeah?" I replied. "I want you to blame all your deals and actions on Y/N." "Sir I cannot do this!" I said worringly. "You have the power of the people and they wouldn't know! This will rid of all problems!" I swear I could see him smirk on the other line. "F-fine" I said before turning the ear piece off. I walked out, making sure no one say me.


-Y/N P.O.V-

Every one of us was waiting in the lobby. Once I entered, everyone looked at me. I was armoured and armed with smoke grenades, my knives, two pistols, and an AK-47. "Alright. We will all follow our assigned leaders. Today will be the end of Shlatt's reign as we take it back! We end everything cruel! We cannot mess up tonight! Any of those who are decending to either heaven nor hell will be remembered for what they did. We will be free of this tyranny. Good luck to all, and hopes that we make it out alive." I started walking to the exit with others that are ready for war.


I lead the hell hounds to our location. Everyone was in position while me, Phil, and Techno were near the main entrance. I clicked my ear piece. "Fundy, are your launchers ready?" I asked. "Affirmitive." He replied. "Blow the motherfucker to smitherians" I smirked. I watched from Fundy's position as 4 large bombs got fired out of the assigned rocket launchers. I watched as they hit the tyrant's building. People rushed out as helicopters circled the area. I noticed that the all had the tyrant's flag, emboided in them. "Take them down!" I sneered as Fundy's group shot more bombs at the helicopters. They all went tumbling down. I stood up from my spot. I heard the sound of a laser gun power up. I moved quickly. "You again? Thought it was someone on my level" I smirked as Dream stood, pointing his lime gun at me.  "Fuck off bitch!" He yelled as he stormed at me with his axe. "Get on my level first!" I said before blasting his feet, making him stop. "NOW!" He yelled. "Huh?!" I was caught off-guard when the Sapnap guy put me in an head lock. He pushed me to my knees making me bow to Dream. "Playing dirty now?" I coughed. My hand landed on my knife as I quickly stabbed Sapnap in his right leg and Dream in his left. I watched as they both fell in agonizing pain. George ran at me. "Come at me you son of a bitch" I yelled as I equipped the AK-47. I shot at his arm. "AgH!" He yelled, gripping his arm as he fell to the ground. "Pathetic.." I said before someone stabbed me in the shoulder. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER-" I yelled. "Language!" BBH said as he pulled the knife out of my arm. "This really isn't the fucking time." I said. I straightened myself before walking over to him. "Get out of there!" Dream yelled. I used my advantage to kick him in the stomach while he wasn't focused on me, which resulted in him flying. He slammed into a piece of concrete debris from the now burning, half collasped building. I picked up his katana and walked to a safer zone. I hissed in pain when I remembered about my injured arm. "Gotta get to Nikki.." I muttered. The area was now an uncontrollable wild fire, pieces of debris still fell and black ashes filled the sky. I now rushed over to Nikki while adding pressure to my shoulder. I finally spotted her, she was helping some of the hurt assassins that were dealing with the guards and military. "Nikki!" I called, grabbing her attention. She ran over to me. "Y/N! Take a seat over here." She said, pointing to a seat. I lifted up my sleeve to see how bad the cut is. "Fuck.." I whimpered, throwing my head back. Sweat covered my forehead as I leaned back. Nikki came rushing over to me with bandages and disinfect stuff in hand. "This might hurt a bit" She said as she started to apply everything. I hissed at certain times but I knew it was for the better. "Get back up there" Nikki said as she finished wrapping my arm. "Thanks" I said going back into battle as she ran off to help the others. I saw Wilbur handing out his potions nearby. "Wilbur! Hand me a potion of swiftness and strength." I said as he threw a few bottles at me. I caught them one by one before running off to go meet with Phil and Techno.

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