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People tell me that I have a unique way of lighting up a room...

It's called arson, and those people are called witnesses.


-Technoblade P.O.V-

Everyone was either really depressed, emotionaly numb, or guilty. I tugged onto my clothing, positioning it in a comfortable way. I'm gonna search for Y/N. We can leave it all behind if I could bring him back. My eyes lit up because of the idea. I grabbed my gear and headed out. Hoping to get some progress into the search.


-Y/N P.O.V-

"So how do you feel about your first break-up?" Achilles asked carelessly. "Just numb. Guess those years of trauma really trained me well." I replied. "Atleast you don't see heart break as the worst pain" Achilles sighed. "How about you?" I blankly questioned. "Ah. I had my fair share of love interests and heart breaks. I knew well enough to leave that shit alone." Achilles chuckled. "So tell me.. about why we're burning down a building." I knew that Achilles would never commit arson unless there is a reason. "Well. I heard that the now deceased president had an information storage about every rebel there is in this city, as you know, we don't want the government on our tails." My eyes widened in an impressed manner. "How'd you get this information?" "Don't you remember? We are the Creed, we're not the only ones in it. My friend Quackity and Eret leaked some information." He said smirking. "The vice president? How do we know we can trust him?" I stated. "Our Quackity swapped places with the actual one, let's just say, it was a bit bloody." He said. "Heh. Let's get moving." I smiled innocently.


-Dream P.O.V-

"George?! Sapnap!? BBH?!" I yelled out. The burning debris were small fires now. The air was a bit more clearer. "Cough cough.." I heard from under a piece of debris. "BBH?" I gasped. I helped him up from under the heavy concrete piece that was keeping him pinned. I sat him near a good stable area so he could rest. "Thanks.." He gasped. I smiled through my mask, I knew that he understood since his body was relaxed. I turned around to see Sapnap helping George. I sat myself down, tiredly sighing. "You guys good?" A voice said. "Eret?"


-Technoblade P.O.V-

I was walking, listening to the sweet wind breeze rustle the nearby leaves. "Techno." I turned around to see a disappointed Philza. "Phil?" I said, jumping a bit before relaxing. "Can I help you seek Y/N? I don't think I can just wait and hope for him to come back.." I nodded and started walking to an area near storage places, filled with food, water, resources and intel.


-Y/N P.O.V-

Me and Achilles were jumping across roofs to reach our destination, I carried some smoke bombs for our escape just in case we get caught while Achilles hoisted the C4s. I ran to keep up, Achilles was sprinting ahead of me, he'd then jumped across to another roof, turning around to make sure I would make it. The gap was huge. I took a running start. I lifted my foot before jumping across like a flying brid ready to take off. I started falling, I looked around, the world around me was in a slow-mo. I realized I wasn't gonna make it. My hand automatically grasped the edge of the building's roof as my body was dangling. "Little help here?" I awkwardly laughed. My hand let go all of a sudden. Achilles' hand reached my own as he started to pull me up. "Thanks" I said, a bit out of breath. "C'mon we only need to jump from two more buildings and catch a 5 minute ride of a roof of bus 74." Achilles said as he started to run ahead. Jumping from one building to another made me feel free. I caught up to Achilles, running at his speed. Achilles then grabbed my arm as we both started falling before successfully landing onto a bus, which was bus 74, I'm guessing. We caught our breaths. "God I missed doing that" I smiled. "It was much funner with you. Eret works better alone while Quackity is busy most of the time" Achilles said, sounding a bit disappointed. Once we arrived, we put on fake IDs and headed into the building. The only security were guarding the camra room and the outside. Kind of disappointing if you ask me. But this makes my job so much easier. Achilles gave me a peace sign. I nodded. When we worked together, we made hand signals, in this case, the peace sign was about spliting up and a reminder to not cause violence unless provoked. I nodded as Achilles handed me a bag full of C4s. I placed the bag on my back before walking off. I reached a room filled with node storages and high-tech shit. I place a few C4s around the place before meeting up at me and Achilles' rendezvous point. It was a good spot to sit and watch the 'fireworks' go off. I reached the spot before Achilles showed up a few seconds later. "You ready to watch this bitch blow?" He asked, taking a seat. "Fuck yeah" I replied, taking a seat next to him. I watched as he pulled out a remote. Click. Seconds later, the place blew up like a ton of fireworks in the sky. I smiled. "Love being Rouge." I mumbled.


-Technoblade P.O.V-

There was a loud explosion in the distance. I acted instantly, dragging Phil away. Phil tripped so I decided to protect him with my body. Everything stopped. I decided that it was safe, I got up from Phil, dusting myself off. I looked at my surroundings before spotting a person that stood out to me the most. It was Y/N, he was running away.. with another person? I started running after them. "Y/N!" I yelled, trying to catch up to him. Y/N looked back at me before running off. I slowed down, knowing that there was no point running after him at this point.



Sorry for the very slow update! School is being a real pain in the ass at the moment and writer's block is starting to catch up to me. I'll try my best to update this book, but for now.. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Drink water and get some good sleep too!!

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