The Media Stress

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March 3, 2020

Day 1 of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's royal tour of Ireland

"William, why would you even think to say that?" Catherine states as she gives her husband a death stare.

*Earlier That Evening*

After arriving at the iconic Guinness Storehouse in Dublin that evening, William and Catherine split ways and talk to the other guests. William was talking to a group of people, one of who happened to be a doctor. With recent headlines of the Coronavirus, the topic was obviously coming up in the conversation.

"I bet everyone's like I've got Coronavirus, I'm dying! And you're like no you've got a cough," William said and the doctor nodded in agreement.

"It does seem a bit dramatic about Coronavirus," William continues. The doctor then proceeds to mumble an incoherent response. "By the way, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are spreading Coronavirus, so we're keeping an eye on that. Do tell us if we need to stop!"  William jokes before being called away to prepare to give a speech.

The night continued on and although no one else could sense it, William knew that Catherine was thinking about something. He could see it in her facial expressions and body language. They hadn't had much time to themselves that day, so he didn't know if something had happened to make her upset. He made a mental note to ask her about it later. Since he was right next to her, William placed his hand on Catherine's lower back and smiled at her.

As the evening came to a close, William and Catherine got into the car to head back to their hotel. William could still sense that there was something off with her. He knew it would be best to just wait till they in private to bring it up. He decided to make light conversation about something simple.

"I forgot to tell you about the game the children were playing when I got home yesterday. It was the cheekiest thing I've ever seen them do." He says looking over at Catherine with a smile. "And that says a lot!" He chuckles.

"Oh no! What brilliant idea did those trouble makers come up with?" Catherine asks with a small giggle.

"Well, George and Mignonette had Louis dressed up as a lion and were ordering him around. They told me it was called the wild animal dress up game. I just couldn't help but think it was the cutest thing ever." William says.

"I can only imagine," Catherine says as their car pulls up to the hotel.

The royal protection officers open the car doors for William and Catherine. They walk into the hotel and momentarily part ways. Catherine goes to take a quick shower while William puts on pajamas. He takes a seat on the couch and decides to ask Catherine what has obviously been bothering her. When she walks out and sits on the opposite side of the couch from him, he speaks up.

"Catherine, I'm gonna say something, but please don't be upset. I just wanna talk cause it seems like something has been bothering you for most of the evening. What is wrong?" William asks seeming genuinely concerned.

"What is wrong? What's wrong is the fact that you, the future king of England, decided it would be funny to make a joke about the Coronavirus while it is on the verge of becoming a global crisis. That's what's wrong." Catherine responds in a raised tone.

"That's what's wrong? Catherine, seriously. Are you really gonna be mad at me for making a joke about a topic that millions have jokes about?" William says in a higher tone than before.

"Millions of others that joked about it but they aren't in your position. They are not going to be the king of England! Their son isn't the future king of England!"

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