Welcome To The World Little One

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On George's 8th birthday, Wiliam and Catherine were both deep in thought. The day little George was born was one of the single greatest days of their lives. On the 8th anniversary of that day, it only seemed like the perfect time to reflect on the memories of that day.

22 July 2013

4:30 am

Catherine woke up to a weird feeling. As she was heavily pregnant with her and William's first child, this is something that she was used to. The only thing was that today something felt different.

All of a sudden she felt it. Her first light yet still painful contraction. After the pain passed, she debated on waking up William to tell him but decided to let him sleep as he would need it, so didn't. Catherine also figures the same for her, so decides to go back to sleep.

5:15 am

Catherine woke up again, but this time not to a feeling. This time it was because of a contraction much more painful than the last one. She quickly sits up and tries to be as quiet as possible as to not wake up William. She was unsuccessful in her mission because seconds later she feels her husband sit up next to her. He grabs her shoulders and turns her towards him before she looks up at him with a painful haze in her eyes. William takes a quick note of this before he decides to speak.

"Catherine, what is it? Is there something wrong?' William blurts out all of the sudden.

"I wouldn't say something is wrong, more or less. William, this baby is coming today, now. This is my second contraction and I had the first at 4:30."

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"I wanted you to get as much sleep as possible before this all happens. I went back to sleep too. It's okay, darling." Catherine replies genuinely.

"Oh Catherine, you should have woken me. I want to help you through every step of this."

"Oh, thank you, William," Catherine says just as she lays back down and William begins to rub her back, soothing much of her ache.

6:30 am

Catherine continued to have contractions, now more regular than before. William kept his word and has helped her through everyone. He hates seeing her in pain almost as much as she hated the pain, but they both know that in the end, it was going to be so worth it.

The contractions had grown more steady and were a consistent 7 minutes apart. Weeks earlier, they had made the decision that this was the point at which they would go to the hospital. Before they left, William called both of their parents to inform them of the situation. All parties were ecstatic and couldn't wait to meet their grandchild.

Catherine sat resting in the living room while William finished getting everything in the car. With the press secretaries alerted, they began a journey that would change their lives forever.

7:05 am

William and Catherine arrived at the Lindo Wing at St. Mary's Hospital. They go in through a back entrance as to not be caught by the press yet. Once they arrived at the room, Catherine immediately went and laid down while William set down their bags. He knew that the press has been waiting out there since the announcement was made earlier, so he made sure to shut the curtains ensuring that they had the utmost privacy for this special day of their lives.

"I can't believe that this is really happening," Catherine said as she shifted her body position.

"Me either, darling," William replies walking back towards her. "There is no one else I would rather do this with."

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