A Very Cambridge Christmas

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25 December 2021

5:30 am

William and Catherine lay peacefully asleep in bed, unaware of the chaos going on outside their bedroom. Their children were all rushing around waking each other up before preparing to get their parents. Charlotte woke up first, then Louis, and finally George. The kids all had on their matching Christmas pajamas, just as their parents did.

The children tip-toed over to their parent's door being as quiet as possible. George opens the door slowly, prompting Charlotte and Louis to run and climb on top of their parents. George follows just as William and Catherine wake up to a shock. The children start laughing as William sits up smiling at his children.

"Good Morning guys," Catherine says sleepily as she sits up.

"Mummy, it's Christmas!" Louis yells as he climbs into his mother's lap.

"Presents! Presents! Presents!" Charlotte chants, getting louder each time.

"Charlotte, quiet down!" George yells at his sister.

William and Catherine look over at each other with a smile and light laugh at their children's antics. The family all gets up and the children run downstairs. William and Catherine exchange a simple good morning and Happy Christmas greeting before following their children downstairs. When they reach the bottom of the stairs, they are marveled by the sight that greets them. George, Charlotte, and Louis are all huddled together under a blanket to keep warm before William starts the fire. George is telling a story that makes Charlotte and Louis laugh. It's the loveliest sight for their parents to see on both of their favorite holidays.

They walk into the living room and William immediately gets a fire started. Catherine gathers the children around the tree and William hands each of the children their stockings. They tear it open finding all sorts of little toys, candy, and other things that the children wanted. As usual, Catherine takes pictures of the children opening their stockings before they move on to the presents.

"Mummy, is it present time yet?" Charlotte whines.

"Yes, Charlotte," Catherine says. "But before you grab them, Papa will give them to you so it isn't crazy!"

William hands each child a present and they tear open the wrapping paper. The kids laugh and show each other their presents while trying to explain while they got the best one. This goes on for about another hour. By the end, there are loads of wrapping paper, tape, and presents all over the floors of Amner Hall.

"Children, what were your favorite presents?" Catherine asks.

"I love my new football shirt! It's so cool!" George tells his mother.

"My pink spider terrarium is my favorite!" Charlotte laughs.

"Doggy!" Louis says delighted as he refers to the new stuffed animal he was gifted.

"Well children, It was a good Christmas then. Wasn't it?" William asks.

"Yes!" They all say. "The best!"

The children all run off and go to play with their new presents. William and Catherine both walk over to the large tree that was once filled with presents and  reach all the way to the back. They grab the final two presents out from under it. It's their tradition to always give each other presents after George, Charlotte, and Louis open their presents.

William and Catherine sit down on the couch and hand each other the carefully wrapped presents. They each open their presents, carefully examining what they were given. William has given Catherine a beautiful new diamond necklace, while she got him a new watch.

"Oh, William this is beautiful! Thank you!" Catherine says with a big smile.

"Your welcome, darling! I love this watch, thank you!" William tells his wife.

"Your welcome!" Catherine says.

Before putting on his own new watch, William helps his wife to put on the beautiful necklace he picked out with the help of her sister. It is an Asprey Necklace in the shape of a flower, with 14K white gold. Pippa had heard Catherine mention it and immediately told William that it was something she would love. William puts on the new silver Omega watch that reminded him of the one his mother gave him all those years ago.

"What time is the church service at today?" William asks his wife.

"11:00, but we need to leave here at around 10:15 so we can meet my family there. Soon we need to start getting the children ready," Catherine replies.

"Okay. I am going to go start on breakfast. Pancakes?" William asks.

"Yes! That sounds perfect! Will you make some chocolate chip ones?"

"Yes, I will darling. I already planned on it" William replies with a light chuckle from his wife. "I know they are your favorite." With that William goes off to prepare the pancakes. Catherine follows close behind him as she has to heard the children so she can get them dresses.

"George, Charlotte, Louis, please come here. We have to get ready!" Catherine calls for her children. With lots of laughter, 3 pairs of feet com trampling towards their mother as they all head up stairs to get ready for church.

After 45 minutes of getting the kids and herself ready, Catherine finally heads down stairs to where her husband and children are finishing up making breakfast. She sees her family all sitting down at the table as she exchanges a small smile with her husband.

The family eats breakfast before William quickly gets ready to meet the Middleton at the Church. He come down stairs to see his wife playing with their children. Sights like this are what make him miss his mother the most, but knows that from above she is always with him.

"Ready to go?" William asks his wife and children.

"Yeah, we just need to get their jackets and shoes on," Catherine replies.

The coupls gather their children and all get on jackets and shoes. They walk out of the house, making sure that it is locked on the way out. William walks over to Catherine as she takes a picture of their Children, as she usually does on Christmas morning. With no words or notice he gives her a hug the she very quicky reciprocates.

"I love you, Catherine. Happy Christmas," William quitely whispers to his wife.

"I love you too, William. Happy Christmas," Catherine whispers in response.

Before they can leave the hug, the couple gets surrounded by their children in a big group hug. They both bend down to furher embrace their children. All the kids, especially Louis, start laughing as their parents start pinking them up carrying them to the car.

They get the children into the car before finally getting themselves into the car. With William in the drivers seat, they couple starts of to the church. About half way through the ride, William looks over at Catherine with slight smile, but not before grabbing her hand and holding it the rest of the way.

They arrive at the church, all piling out of the car. William and Catherine walk side by side as they make their way into the building. They find seats after short greatings with the Middletons. William and Catherine sit next to each other during the service both with the same though in their minds:

Best Christmas morning ever.

Word Count- 1198

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that you endjoyed this little story about how I imagine a Christmas morining fot the Cambridge Family. I have had so much fun writing this the oast few weeks. Christmas is my favorite holiday, so this piece is extra special to me. With the current circumstances, it is very sad that we don't get to see the family go to CHurch like usual, biut regardless I'm sure they will all have the best Christmas! I hope you all have a great Christmas and a very Happy New Year! Until next time!

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