Campfire Memories (pt. 1)

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Campfires have always held a special place in the hearts of William and Catherine. The couple have had many throughout the course of their 20 year relationship. It is a significant thing for them as it brings back memory upon memory for them.

This particular campfire was making them both think about one they had back in 2008. Just like now, they sat on thin and uncomfortable bails of hay that had seen better days. The only difference, instead of being in their late twenties with the world in front of them, the couple now were going into their forties and are married with three of the most beautiful children they could've asked for.

The particular fire they are both remembering is a poignant moment in their lives. One of those moments, that with the right person, you are destined to remember forever.

October 2009

For many years, and one minor break up, William and Catherine have been going out. Except now, thee right time has never conversation both of them are prepared to have tonight, the other just not knowing.

After a romantic dinner at their favorite local restaurant, William and Catherine head back to the beautiful house they are living in while William trains for the RAF Search and Rescue in Anglesey. Both dressed to meet the standards of the fancy restaurant they were just at, change into clothing that is more comfortable. For Catherine, this consists of a sweatshirt she stole from William many years ago and leggings. He wears an Aston Villa football shirt and sweatpants.

It is not too late in the evening. 8:30pm is the time that William sees on his watch as he checks the time. Neither of them have anything until 9 the next morning, so WIlliam proposes the idea of one of their favorite activities.

"Shall we have a fire, darling?" William asks Catherine, knowing he had something important to talk to her about.

"Sounds like fine idea. I'm gonna get stuff to make s'mores! I'll meet you outside." Catherine says with hints of joy in her voice

William, who had just made his way outside, was preparing the fire in their backyard. He pulls up two of the beaten up hays bails they have, which often serve as outdoor seating arrangements for the couple. He then lighted the fire and waits for Catherine, who is out the door just moments later with the s'mores materials in tow.

Catherine prepares a marshmallow stick, one for her and one for William. In comfortable silence, they both make their s'more as the fire before them crackles. Once they have a marshmallow cooked to their liking, for Catherine a perfectly golden one and William's completely burnt, the couple put the marshmallows inside of graham crackers and chocolate. After taking a bite, they both finally speak up, unknowingly with the same thing on their minds.

"This s'more is excellent. Good call on making them darling!" William says.

"A fire is never as good without them!" William and Catherine both laugh at her statement. After a few moments, they both go quiet for a moment, this time a slight awkward silence as they both strike up the need to tell the other their shared thought.

"William, I've been thinking about something for the past few weeks," Catherine starts as she doesn't know what to believe will be his reaction. There is a moment of silence between the couple as William thinks about how to respond.

"In all honesty, so have I, and I hope it's the same thing," He responds.

"So, what have you been thinking about?" Catherine says with a slight unrest in her voice.

"I'm not telling you until you tell me!" William says, slightly laughing while happily seeing Catherine do the same.

"William, I'm being serious! This is important," She says with a bit of nerves in her voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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