☁️Soft headcanons☁️

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•Erwin loves to hold you bridal style to your room if you had a bad day

•He will show you off to anyone and everyone if he has the chance

•(shorter reader)loves it when you try and kiss him but you can't reach his face

•likes to compare hand sizes

•he likes when you get frustrated when you can't do something correctly or something won't work and you become petty

•if you drew or an artist he would ask you to draw him every time he saw you with your sketch book out

•he will let you sit on his lap while he is doing paperwork

•Erwin likes to read you stories about titans or tell you everything about an expedition until you fall asleep in his arms

•will hold you close to him while laying in bed

•loves to play with your hair

•He also loves it when you mess with his hair or touch his eyebrows

•(short reader) he will tease you for being short and will place things that you need on the top shelf or high places while you struggle to get the item he will laugh at you then after awhile of watching you struggle he will get it down for you

•He will offer to do your paperwork is you were too tired or sick that day

•He loves to call you princess/prince or my sweet or dear before going to bed

•forehead kisses galore

•he likes to slow dance in the middle of his office

•he will make you tea when you don't feel good

•he likes to give you piggy back rides and once he puts you down he always says "MY TURN" in a cute voice and pretends to jump on your back, you did offer him a piggy back ride a couple of times but he always refuses

•he likes to lay on your lap from time to time

•he likes to sit on the floor and just read his books

•I think he would be really good at math

•(modern AU) he would own a record player and have old vinyls from the 80's

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