(1) Jadi kemarin ada beberapa orang yang bilang ke aku soal Jensoo Pool Pictures di Jepang. Aku belum pernah denger persoalan itu, tapi setelah mencoba mencari, aku menemukan orang yang punya foto itu. Kemungkinan besar jika aku dikirimkan foto itu, aku tidak akan menyebarnya, dan hanya memberitahukan ke orang-orang yang tertentu saja, soalnya aku tahu ntar bisa mengefek karir Blackpink.
(2) Orangnya susah untuk diajak komunikasi, tapi last online dia 1 jam yang lalu. Aku coba dulu nanya boleh atau ga.
(3) Terus, ntar aku kode-kode in kalian aja apa yang sebenarnya terjadi di sana, tp ga full info sorry soalnya aku juga respect privasi mereka.
(4) Info yang aku dapatkan untuk sementara:
(5) Nihh, sambil nunggu info aku bagi-bagi foto dulu ajaJennie dan temannya (bukan Jisoo)
Noh kalian ngira itu fotonya kan😂😂(6) Aku update ke kalian kalau ga 2-3 hari lagi🧐 (mungkin)
(1) So yesterday there were some people who told me about Jensoo Pool Pictures in Japan. I've never heard of that problem, but after trying to find it, I found the person who had the photo. Most likely if I was sent the photo, I would not distribute it, and only tell certain people, because I know it could affect Blackpink's career.
(2) The person is difficult to communicate with, but last online he was 1 hour ago. I tried to ask whether it was okay or not.
(3) Then, I'll write your codes what really happened there, but not full of info, sorry because I also respect their privacy.
(4) The info I got for now:
(5) Here, while waiting for the info Im going to share random pictures
(6) I'll update yall in 2-3 more days (maybe)
Jensoo Is Real [ANTI TEORI]
Non-Fiction[IND SUB][ENG SUB] 𝙅𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙚 𝙭 𝙅𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙤 ▷𝙅𝙀𝙉𝙎𝙊𝙊◁ Real evidence about Jensoo. Photos, videos, and other evidence that you may not know. And last, enjoy. For fun #1 jensoo 24 jan 2021