Chapter 5: The Forbidden Deal Between Two Royals

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The Obelian Empire held an annual Knighting Ceremony.

It wasn't dedicated for the new and official knights. Rather, it was for the upcoming and candidates for the future positions. Each year, boys above ten years old are able to join the Knighting Ceremony. Every boy, regardless of social status, were welcome, as long as they had the endurance and obedience to do so.

The candidates were around a hundred or so. All ranges, from 10 until 20 year old males, who wanted to vow to the Empire and serve.

However, out of the hundred, only 30 knights will be officially accepted. That's how strict the Royal Family was.

For the next five years, they will be experiencing training suitable for their age range. Afterwards, the new recruits would celebrate. Coincidentally, the next celebration would be the same year as Prince Anastasius' coronation.

Speaking of which, Anastasius was nowhere to be found in the setting. Neither was Odette. It seems like both siblings have decided to spend time with themselves.

So, seven-year old Claude de Alger Obelia was left with no one but his Head Maid, Annabeth Robane.

They were currently on the Emerald Palace's balcony, wherein they could see the Knighting Ceremony from afar. It was quite a view, really. Plenty of brave souls were saluting to the one and only Emperor who stood tall among them.

Claude tilted his head, trying to adjust his vision to the crowd.

"Where's Felix?" he asked Annabeth with a pout on his lips.

Annabeth smiled softly. "My, aren't you excited to see him, aren't you Your Highness?"

Claude looked away. "N-no, I'm not.. I'm just curious!" he tried to deny it. "I just wanted to see if he was doing well... that's all."

Annabeth knew that Felix and Claude were like brothers. She ruffled the Prince's hair playfully. "He is quite lucky to have you, Your Highness,"

"Why so?"

The Head Maid then pointed towards the center of the crowd, wherein most of the adults were. And there was little 11 year old Felix, standing tall with his messy red hair. He was smiling widely, and blended perfectly with the crowd.

"He thinks of you as a little brother, you know?" Annabeth confessed. "He told me that you were such a big inspiration to him."

Claude's heart softened upon hearing Annabeth's words. Him? Felix's inspiration? It made him warm and happy.


Annabeth nodded. "Felix seems very dedicated to being a knight just for you,"

Claude then scanned the crowd again. And then he saw the biggest smile flash before him. It was Felix waving to him from afar. The Prince waved back shyly, and he smiled back. Felix was his first ever genuine friend next to Odette and Anastasius.

"If anything...." Claude started, "I think I'm the one lucky to have him, Annabeth."


Felix stood tall among the other men who resided in the crowd. Most of them were a bunch of 15 year old males who caught puberty. They were tall enough to practically pass as an adult. It made Felix feel.... small. As if he wasn't even qualified to be there.

He gulped nervously. The young man could feel the tips of his fingers sweating. What was he so nervous for? It wasn't like he needed to be up on stage. If anything, he should be happy. Happy that he was here. That Claude, his best friend, along with his mother were watching him from afar.

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