Chapter 20: Hold Me Close, Love

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It has been four days. Four days since Odette has last woken up. Of course, the said information wasn't known to the public eye. God forbid that they knew about Odette's sudden short-length coma. What would they say? That the Sunbearer was incapable of fighting the Land of Shadows?

So, everyone else acted normal. Anastasius was back to his usual duties as Emperor-- but he'd always check in on Odette a few times everyday. He made sure that her breathing was steady, and that she was still consciously in the right place.

As for Claude... well, the 12 year old was getting ready for his upcoming expedition. He was fixing his route, because it seems that it needed a bit of edits. Even if he wanted to stay for Odette, Claude still needed to leave. This has been his plan ever since he was little, there was no way that he was backing out now.

It was also because he wanted to look for the famous 'Crown of Feathers' that was near the North Barriers. The said treasure was meant for the Sunbearer alone, so he figured that if he got it then... maybe he can help Odette with her powers. He'd do anything just to make her feel better.

Speaking of expedition, Felix Robane was also included. The young man was currently taking guard outside of Odette's chambers. Claude personally assigned him to do it, seeing that he was the only person he could trust. And well, Felix couldn't deny such a request.

The moment he found out that Odette passed out, Felix felt anxious. He kept overthinking and overanalyzing every situation possible. How could he not? It was Odette--- his beloved. The one he could only admire from afar.

Felix then yawned lightly, but shook his head. Even if it was around 2AM in the morning, he needed to keep his guard up. Anything could literally happen, so at all times, he was ready. He should be ready. He is, after all, the Head Knight and---


The knight stood straight upon hearing such a scream. It came from Odette's room. So, he hurriedly opened the door and went inside with no hesitation whatsoever.

There, he saw the Princess seated up on her bed. She had heavy breaths, and her hair was all over the place. She wore a white nightgown that seem a bit too big for her, but still suited her regardless. She was also panting out loud, as if she just awoken from a long dream.

Felix couldn't believe it. After four days, she was now awake. He went beside her bed and knelt, "Princess, you're okay." he reassured. "I should call for the Emperor--"

Odette then cut him off and hugged him. She pulled Felix close, and she was sobbing. "Felix." his name felt like a prayer in her lips.

"Princess, I should really go." Felix didn't dare pull away from her hug. He, however, flinched upon realizing that she was literally hugging him, his crush was literally hugging him.

Odette then uncontrollably sobbed. She was shivering in fear. "I need you, right now Felix." she said in a scared voice. "I h-had such a horrid nightmare, and it felt so real. It was like I couldn't escape a-and...."

The tone in Odette's voice made Felix worry even more. His hands wrapped around Odette's back, and he soothed it carefully. She buried her head on his neck, and pulled Felix even closer. Odette could smell the sweet yet husky scent that lingered over the knight.

"It's okay, Odette." Felix said as he sat down on the edge of her bed.

Odette shook her head. "Just... just hold me close until the sun rises, please?"

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