Chapter 9: Soulmates, Fate, and Everything in Between

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It was particularly gloomy in the Obelian Palace today.

The dark clouds, along with the quiet atmosphere, made everyone mourn in their isolated ways. Even the Emperor himself quietly cried for the loss of an important figure in the Obelian Empire. He decided to throw a ceremony just for the person alone, wherein everyone in the Palace was invited.

And no, it wasn't the Empress that died.

It was none other than Luther Robane, the husband of Annabeth and the father of 15 year old Felix Robane.

The fleet of knights came back from their mission in the borders. It was to resolve the conflict between the rebel groups and the Empire. They were there for a year or so, and only half of them came back. Those included dead was the Head Knight--- the one who led the group to victory, Luther Robane.

They came back a few days ago with nothing but the cape of the Head Knight. His corpse was nowhere to be found.

Annabeth felt her heart shatter into pieces. Her husband died, without him in her arms. She didn't even know what his last words were. Heck, how was she even to break the news to Felix? The poor teenager doesn't deserve to hear such sad news.

Still, Felix Robane found out the news one way or another. He heard it when he was training, and the his classmates whispered among themselves.

".... came back from the borders," he eavesdropped them. "and they came back only half the amount. Most died and...."

Felix's eyes widened. He could instantly feel the stares of his classmates; the stares of worry, pity, and concern. One of them approached Felix with a worried look.

"I am so sorry for your loss, Felix."

The red head gulped. He dropped his sword and instantly ran away. He only had one person in mind to run for comfort. Someone whom he treasured--- much like a brother. Someone whom he loved and knew that would be there for him for life.

Claude, he thought to himself. I need to find Claude.


Claude de Alger Obelia was nowhere to be found.

Felix tried looking for him literally everywhere, in the rooms, gardens, even the bathrooms, but he was missing.

Where the hell could he be?

The aspiring knight sighed. The tears were dry, as of now, but his heart was still shattered. He knew that he'd be a crying mess... he just needed something, someone, to hold him. And tell him that everything would be fine.

He sat on the ground, and leaned back on the shrubs. He closed his eyes, and prayed that it was all a nightmare. A nightmare that he'd eventually wake up from.

".....Felix?" A voice called out his name.

He opened his eyes, slowly enough to see a familiar sight of golden blonde hair in front of him. And no, it wasn't Claude's. It was....

"P-Princess?" he stuttered, quite surprised that she was here.

Felix quickly stood up and faced the 13 year old. He was met with a kind smile. The Princess was literally the definition of grace and poise.

"I apologize for intruding your personal space."

Felix shook his head. "It's fine," he quickly replied. "I should be the one apologizing for not being presentable."

Odette laughed softly.

It made Felix melt; even her laugh was graceful. Was that even possible? He wasn't sure. Still, Odette... somehow lightened up his heart. She made Felix smile, and it sent butterflies to his stomach.

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