Chapter 23: The Unexpected Return of the Second Prince

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The unexpected return of the Second Prince consisted of Claude leading his knight expedition to the long journey through the woods of Obelia. Felix Robane was by his side, making sure that Claude was going the right way. They had plenty of souvenirs at hand; various charms, spells, and even artifacts that could strengthen one's mana--- particularly Prince Claude's.

Throughout the four years, he has grown into a a strong person. Even stronger than Anastasius himself. 

"We have been on the road for six hours straight, Your Highness," Felix reminded Claude. "do you wish to rest."

He scoffed. "Nonsense. I must see my sister immediately."

Of course, Felix didn't have a choice but to say yes.

"Very well, Prince Claude."

A few miles later, Prince Claude's expedition was met with the Capital's tall entrance gates. In the center was Obelia's Family Crest and a latin enscribed phrase. A few of the Royal Knights were guarding the mana-infused entrance that not even the strongest of wizards couldn't break. As they saw the prince, they seem to have seen a ghost.

They were surprised because Prince Claude was scheduled to arrive in three days, not today. 

"Blessings and Glory Upon the Future Sun of Obelia," the Head Guard bowed lightly. "We weren't expecting you here this early, Prince."

Felix smiled politely. "Thank you for the welcome, sir. We understand that the he Emperor has announced His Highness' arrival in three days time?"

"Yes, sir Felix."

Claude crossed his arms, "So are you going to let us in or not?"

"Well, Your Highness, we do need to inform the Royal Adviser, Sir Roger Alpheus, before doing so. Then he can forward the message to the Emperor himself so that he can order a grand entrance." 

Bullshit, Claude thought to himself. "I do not need a grand entrance, nor do I need my brother's presence as I arrive."

"But the Main Gates can only be opened by the Royal Wizards!" the Knight defended.

Claude ignored his remark and casted an Undo Spell to the Mana-Infused Barriers. Within a second, the Gates opened upon his command. The Guard Knights stared dumbfounded in the powers of the Prince. It required four or more Royal Wizards to open the gates.

The Prince, along with his Royal Knight expedition, entered the Main Gates. They were met with plenty of people in the Capital. There were vendors, noblemen, and even children feasting all throughout the place. The Prince surely missed the feeling of being here. Of course, almost everyone took notice of his presence. 

They cleared a path just for him. Most of them even cheered at his arrival. Prince Claude didn't need a Grand Entrance prepared by the Royal Palace, the townsfolk themselves supported the Prince.

"The Second Prince--- Prince Claude de Olger Abelia, has come back from his four year expedition!" a villager announced. "long live the Prince!"

Felix smiled at their sweet gesture. Despite their unexpected entrance, they still welcomed Claude with open arms. 

"Seems they have missed you, Your Highness," he teased Claude lightly.

"I have missed them too," he confessed. "I am just glad that Anastasius is doing a good job at maintaining the Capital's Economy."


Speaking of Anastasius, he was humbly seated on his throne. He was currently having a meeting with foreign ambassadors because he has invited them to the upcoming Hunting Festival in two weeks time. He has already dismissed Odette earlier and let her rest for the day.

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