Chapter 15: Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy

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Odette sat down on her usual spot beneath the tree. The same tree that Anastasius tried to get rid off, but failed. The tree that spoke to her, almost every full moon. The tree that called himself Lucas. She wasn't quite sure who he was, or how he got there, but she liked to think that he was some sort of deity. A deity that was sent to bless the Empire and its people.

"Perhaps, you are a fairy?" she was quite unsure in her tone. "not that I have seen one yet, but I think you are so."

"My soul is entrapped in this tree, kid." Lucas answered.

"Trapped? You don't mean...." The sweet cold breeze of the night brushed her face. She forced herself to wrap her cloak around her figure tightly.

Lucas, or the tree, radiated a red type of mana. "I know I have a body. I sense that it is alive-- still alive."

"Your body has decayed by now, with worms and the dirt."

"I'm just asleep," he answered. "that damn Emperor put me in eternal slumber."

Odette raised an eyebrow. "My brother?"

"No, but he has the same energy as him."

"Who exactly are you talking about?"


She's heard of that name before--- it meant eternity. From the dozen history books that the Royal Tutor has taught her, Aeterenitas was one of the prominent names in them. An infamous Emperor known to possess a huge amount of mana that made the Empire wreak havoc. It was a sensitive subject to the people, because plenty died.

"Are you saying he reincarnated as my brother?"

"Maybe, maybe not." he replied. "I'm not worried, though. Aeterenitas is a weak opponent, if you think about it."

Weak opponent? What was Lucas talking about? Did.... did Anastasius really remind him of Aeternitas?

"Anastasius isn't a bad Emperor..."

"Have you ever step foot outside the Palace ever since your brother has become Emperor?"

There was silence between the two. The tree, or rather, Lucas still radiated his red mana. The tree was glowing a bit of red. As for Odette, her knees were pulled to her chest. Her cloak covered her head, and she comfortably sat on the grass.

"Do you even know what's happening outside the walls?"

Odette bit her lip. She was silent. Because it was true— she had no knowledge whatsoever about the world outside. She convinced herself that she'd never go out of the Palace until after her debutante.

"Look at it yourself, kid." he said. "it doesn't take a genius to see that it's a mess."


How did he even know that the Empire is a mess? Odette thought to herself. He can't even set foot outside of the Palace, too! These were the questions that kept pestering the young lady all throughout the next few days.

By now, there were only three days left before the debutante. Three days, just before she'd appear in high society yet again. She wasn't quite sure how she'd handle it, but she'd find a way.

Odette just needed to know what was happening outside the Palace, though.


A pair of arms wrapped around her tightly. She stood still in the midst of the training grounds, even in the sunny afternoon. All because of a certain kid she needed to visit and catch up on.

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