Chapter 10

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Little rant about the song. So this is The Heart of Life by John Meyers. This song is so emotional. It is something I would like it, if Liam dedicated it to Emerald. Hope you enjoy!!

Nathan's POV:

I don't know what happened but Em nearly fell over and she would've fallen down if I hadn't caught her. But she didn't even take notice of it, her gaze was fixed ahead of her. I first thought it was one of those moments of hers but when I saw the tears I got to know that I was wrong. I looked in the same direction and saw that she was looking at a person. He had brown hair and blue eyes and was about 5 feet 9 inches. He as well had tears in his eyes. The only difference was that Em was smiling but he was frowning. What is going on over here?

Em freed herself from my clutches and went over to him. As soon as she went near him, she just stood there and touched his face,to check if he was real or not. He as well held her face in his hands and they both looked at each other with so much adoration that it was nearly blinding for me to see. Who was this guy? Was he her boyfriend? If yes, then where was he all these days? They both just looked at each other for sometime after which he proceeded to hug Em. I guess he pressed her back to hard because she screamed out in pain.

Liam's POV:

I was so happy to see Em. Oh my Emmy. I hugged her and squeezed her to myself. But as soon as I did so, she screamed out and I immediately let go of her. The guy who was with her came rushing forward and held her gently, while she was hunched over. Her face was scrunched up in pain. He looked at me with anger all over his face, but before he could say anything, Em spoke up.

"Li, what are you doing here? Why are you back, and where were you all these years? Why didn't you contact me? Please answer me."

And that is when my heart broke. I told her that I will answer every single question of hers, but first we had to go to my hotel room. But before going she introduced me to the lad, whose name was Nathan. As soon as she told him who I was, he suddenly became furious. Wonder what happened to him suddenly. All three of us went towards my car and Nathan helped Em to sit in the car. Was she hurt? My brows furrowed in confusion. He wouldn't hurt her, right? He promised me. But what if he did. The ride to the hotel was completely filled with silence.

As soon as we went to my room, Nathan sat Em down on the bed. I knelt down in front of her and looked at her, studied her. That was when I saw all those little things. Her smile, it had disappeared. Her eyes were red from crying and she was literally a stick. She was so thin. But the most painful thing for me to see was her eyes. They were nothing like how I had last seen them. There was no happiness, no spark, no twinkle...nothing. There was literally nothing in her eyes. The green spheres which once held every single emotion inside them, were now devoid of any. They were literally... lifeless. Seeing her like this raised so many questions.

What happened to her? Did dad actually harm her? Did he ruin her as well like he had done to me? But what about the promise? The deal? Was it all just to get rid of me? Suddenly I remembered what happened in the park and asked her why she had screamed when I hugged her. She gave a simple one word answer. One which was enough to make me angry and sad at the same time. Dad. So he did break his side of the promise. I asked Nathan to wait outside and as soon as he went out, I asked Em to show me what happened. When she did, my heart shattered into a million pieces.

Her back was covered in angry, red looking scars from where he did the damage. Her skin had peeled off and in some places you could literally see the flesh. I knew what it was. Hot water. I quickly went to my medicine cabinet and pulled out an ointment. I gave it to her and asked her whether she wanted me to apply it or she will do it herself. She simply took it and went to the bathroom signalling that she wanted to be alone. I just sat down on the bed and waited for her to finish. After some time when she came out, she didn't have her shirt on, and that is when I saw her hands. And what I saw left me shocked.

The cuts on her hands. Tears sprung in my eyes and she must have seen the shocked expression on my face because she followed my line of vision and quickly put on in her shirt and pulled down the sleeves. She then came and sat down next to me and hugged me. I turned towards her and asked her in a broken whisper why she did so. I think something inside her snapped because she started crying and by crying I mean straightaway bawling. After calming down she started speaking in a broken and defeated voice.

"I am just so tired of all this Li. Dad... I don't even know what to say about him. Like I know that I deserve whatever punishment he gives me. I know it. Because of me, mum is dead. So I deserve it. But it doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt me. I feel so tired, of all these things. I just want it all to end Li. There are so many times when I question God as to why he didn't call me back instead of mum. I mean nobody loves me over here and I am not needed. Then I question myself why I don't have the courage to die myself or atleast enough courage to run away like you did Li. I want to, believe me I want to. But I just can't. I don't have that much courage. I just want it to be over Liam. Is that too much to ask?"

Saying so she crashed down to the floor. The next three words which came out of her mouth jarred me and left me beyond shocked. The tears which were threatening to spill from my eyes, were now relentlessly flowing out.

"I am done."

(A/N): Hey guys. I know I know. You guys have a lot of questions. But have some patience all your questions will be answered. So...what do you think of Liam? Do you hate him? Or do you understand why he did what he did? Also why was Nathan angry at Liam? Em's speech ... give your reviews on that as well.

Also I know that this is not my best chapter but please bear with me.

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Happy reading!!! :)

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