Chapter 17

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Emerald's POV:

Have you ever had this feeling where you are very much helpless, so much that you can't even help yourself. It can't be described as such. Let's just say, it is as though you are drowning. The water is slowly filling up into your lungs, making it very difficult for you to breath. Your eyes are paining due to the exhaustion and as there isn't much oxygen being supplied to your muscles, your hands and legs start to pain and become sore. You're trying your hardest to reach the surface, but the currents pull you down, no matter how hard you try. Your brain starts fogging up and you see spots in your vision. But after sometime you realize that it is of no use trying to save yourself...because the situation has gone out of control. Do you ever feel like this? Not just when you're drowning in water, but also in your thoughts. Do you? Because I do. There is even a term for this type of feeling : Anxiety.

The walls were slowly closing in on me and I found it really hard to breath. I tried to call out for Liam but found it really hard to concentrate on anything. My vision was becoming very blurry and I couldn't breath at all. I gasped trying to bring some oxygen to my lungs but as time passes by, I found it increasingly hard to do so. My throat was closing in and all the images from that horrific night came rushing to my mind. All the words that he used, all the amount of skin that he touched, all the lust in his eyes, it all came rushing back to me. I was struggling to breath. It felt as though my chest was on fire.

It was at this exact moment that I realised the potential of the hatred I had towards my dad. The things he did to me, made me do, they are definitely not something that a father does to his daughter. I hated him with such a passion that honestly, it scared me. How can someone hate another person so much? If hatredness were to have a colour then I would definitely associate it with black. Black was a vicious, dark colour and yet it was beautiful and had a meaning behind it. And the same could be said for hate. It was such a dark and vicious feeling,one which was so strong and powerful,  and yet, also so meaningful and beautiful at the same time. Every single hatred was born due to some reason, it is never without a reason. And every single type of hate has a story behind it.

Somewhere in the whole struggle, I think I vaguely hear Liam speaking to me but I am not able to pay attention. The only thing I am able to focus on, is the fact that I am not able to breath. Suddenly, the walls start to shift and it was starting to morph into my house. This brought more panic to settle inside me. I don't wanna go to that place again. Suddenly I felt someone rub my back and whisper things to me. After some time, or maybe a lot, I don't really know, I calmed down. I saw that it was Liam.

Liam had just calmed me down from my attack when he doesn't even have experience of these things.

Liam's POV:

After some time of me whispering calming words to her, Emmy finally calmed down. But then the tears started and when I tell you my heart broke, I mean it. With every tear that fell out of her eye, my heart broke a bit more. Sobs soon started to escape from her and to say that I couldn't handle it would be an understatement. I mean which brother would be able to handle seeing their sister cry, especially if it was for a reason like Emmy's. After some time, she started saying things. Things, which scared the living daylights out of me.

"Li, please. I can't take this anymore. I can't wake up every morning, only wishing to be dead. Every time I see myself in the mirror, all I feel is disgusted. At myself, at what I have become. I can't do this anymore. Please find a way to end it. Please free me from this. I am ready to accept any sort of pain. I don't even mind if it is the most painful way, but Li please. Please end this. Please..."

She trailed off clearly tired and drifted into a tired sleep. The wetness on my cheeks and the saltiness on my lips confirmed it that I was indeed crying. I had to do something and fast. She was slowly slipping and there was only so much time left to save her.

But little did I know that time is VERY much short and she was giving up VERY fast. Little did I know that one day she would...

(A/N) :Hey guys. So this is the 17th chapter. I am really sorry for the short chapter. Personal life has been a mess lately. Real Sorry!!

Wow...Em is having some serious problems. But I can't entirely blame her. Was her pleading to Liam justifiable? Was Liam helpful to her? Is her description of hate true? Let me know your thoughts.

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