Chapter 13

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Little rant about the song. This is A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. I love this song so much. The lyrics and the vocals are perfect. Don't play it yet. There will be a part when I will tell you. Play it then. Hope you enjoy!!

Emerald's POV:

Why is everything so dark? Why can't I open my eyes? And why the hell does it feel as though my stomach is being stabbed repeatedly? I shift trying to ease the pain, but it doesn't help at all. After trying for sometime, I eventually give up. I tried to open my eyes and after some time, I finally could. I looked around the unfamiliar room. This isn't my room. Where am I? I look to my left and see Nathan and Liam were here. I sighed a sigh of relief when I saw them. Familiar, safe faces. But very soon all that relief and the feelings of safety vanished and dread, fear and disgust took it's place when I remembered the events of the previous night. I quickly tried to get up, but an unbearable pain shot right through my stomach. I clutched it and screamed out in pain. Liam tried to calm me down by holding my cheek. Wrong move.

As he held my cheek, the familiar safe face of Liam morphed into the dreadful face of my dad. His kind smile turned into the evil one of my dad. And the it's okay, your fine and safe turned into don't worry baby girl. I'll be as gentle as I can. The room suddenly turned into my living room and the safety of Liam and Nathan transformed into the danger of dad. All the memories of the previous night came rushing to me, and I felt disgusted to say the least. I could see my dad approach me and he gently, but not in the safe way, touched my cheek and used his other hand, running it up and down my arm. I could feel goosebumps on my hands. I couldn't handle it. I was trapped and there was No escaping this. There was only one thing I could do, scream for him to stop. And that is exactly what I did.

"Stop! Don't touch me!"

Nathan's POV:

"Stop! Don't touch me!", Emerald screeched it out. Both Liam and I jumped away from her as soon as she said that. My eyes widened, tears formed, lips parted and my breathing quickened. If I say my heart didn't shatter upon hearing that, then I would be lying straightaway. Em had pulled up her knees upto her hands and she had her hands around herself, in a way such that she was shielding herself, protecting herself. By the look in her eyes, I immediately knew that she wasn't in this room, she had transported into that living room, relieving the nightmare. Except her nightmare was a reality. Her eyes were distant and glassy, as though she was in a trance. She kept shouting things like Please stop. Or why are you doing this to me? And honestly hearing her so broken and afraid, it broke me and by the look on Liam's face, it destroyed him.

Suddenly Em put her hands to her ears, as though she was trying to block out something. Her breaths became very much irregular. I didn't know what was going on but Liam did. He quickly rushed towards her and gently placed a hand on her shoulder and asked her whether she could hear him. But it was no avail as he didn't get any response. He then started talking about random things, about his foster parents and his brother. Yeah apparently he had a brother, who was 14 years. After about ten minutes of mindless talking, Em removed her hands from her ears. Her eyes were closed and sweat was clinging to her forehead. She flapped her hand around trying to search for something. I quickly rushed to her side and held her hand. Her breath was still very irregular. Suddenly Liam pulled out his phone and played a song.
[(A/N) :Play the song now.]

It was one of the most peaceful songs that I had heard and the voice of the was magical. The lyrics were so beautiful and so meaning. Emerald slowly calmed down and when Liam went to pause the song, she held his hand stopping him. After listening to it for about another two or three times, she finally let him to stop it. By now tears were flowing from her and Liam's eyes and it didn't appear to stop. I was confused and I think it must have been evident on my face because Emerald told me that she will explain. She tried to sit in a straighter position but winced and clutched her stomach. Liam held her shoulder and I held her hand and together we helped her sit up. After making sure she was comfortable enough and supporting her with enough pillows, I sat down again. Em started talking in a distant voice, as though she wasn't even here. It was as though she was in a trance.

"That song was something my mummy had written for us. She would always sing it for us. At first I didn't understand the meaning. But now I do, it was a love song that she sang. For us. It was a song of assurance, to say that we shouldn't be afraid. That she would love us... forever. No matter what happens she would stay with us. But you know what Nathan? She broke her promise. She didn't stay with us...she left us. Why did she leave us, Li? Did she not love us?"

It was the tiredness which spoke towards the end, because soon after she finished that, she fell asleep. Her eyes drifted close and Liam laid her down. He then motioned for me to follow him and we both went to the other side of the room. He turned to face me and by the look on his face, I knew exactly what he wanted to say. So I beat him to it.

"I know what you want to say Liam. Don't worry, I will take real good care of her and will not let her suffer anymore than she already has. Her mom used to sing those words for her, but couldn't live to fulfill them. But I will. I will fulfill them and I will love her for a thousand and more years. I swear upon my life I will not hurt her intentionally. I can't live without her, I just can't. She is my...sunshine and my moonlight. She doesn't know this yet, but I really love her, a lot. And I plan on telling her one day. For sure."

The look on Liam's face said it all : Liam believed me.

Liam's POV:

Relief flooded through me as soon as I heard those words from Nathan's mouth. Not that I didn't believe him but I wanted to know that he wouldn't hurt her. Even though she is just two years younger than me I am still very much protective of her. And while this type of talk is usually reserved by the father, in this case, I was the one doing the talk. Because that is what I had to be in her life- a father figure. Someone who would protect her at all cost, who would die for her or even kill for her, who would love her but mostly who would keep her safe. Emmy has been through a lot, more than I ever will and more than I ever have. I don't want her to suffer anymore. I want her to be happy and lively.

And that is something I see her as, with Nathan. With him, she is happy, lively, safe and mostly free. She doesn't have to pretend that she is happy while secretly dying from the inside. With him, she doesn't have the urge to hold back her tears, she lets them free. I don't know why she is so open with him, or what is so special about him, but if she is happy and safe with him, then that's all I need. She is herself when she is with him. She is not the Emerald Rose Adams that the world knows, but the little Emmy that I know. And to know that the little girl, who is filled with curiosity and sunshine, is still alive somewhere makes me ecstatic.

Earlier I had called mom and dad, to tell them that I wouldn't be coming back for quite some time. They were very much upset, but when I told them the whole situation, they understood and went as far as to consider adopting her. Honestly I don't know what I would do without them. I wouldn't have survived without them, quite literally. When they found me, I was barely even alive. I don't remember much, except that I was extremely cold, weak and hungry. They had taken me to their home and it had taken me days to open up to them. But they hadn't forced the truth out of me, just giving me the time I needed. They had seen the bruises, but hadn't asked about them until I was ready to tell them about it. And when I had told them the whole story, they had immediately got in touch with a lawyer and legal adopted me.

I had told them about Em as well, but when they wanted to help her, I had refused. Because I had thought that dad wouldn't harm her, that he would keep her safe, that he loved her and that he was only like that with me. But today, I realised how wrong I was. He hated Em as much as he hated me, maybe more. But I don't know why. I understood why he hated me. I was rebellious, never listened to anyone and was always ready for a fight. But Em is the total opposite of me. She is sweet, kind and so caring. How can anyone hate her? Honestly that man leaves me in wonder at times. I didn't know what to even think of him. But I did know one thing.

I will not, never let that man near my Em. Ever again.

(A/N) :Hey guys. So this is the thirteenth chapter. I don't know what to say... Liam being such a caring brother, what did you feel about it? Your opinion on Em's behaviour? Was it justified? What did you think bout Nathan's little speech? Let me know.

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