Chapter 28

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Little rant about the song. So this is Love you Goodbye by One Direction  (most of them atleast). I love this song so much. One of their best performances lyrically. I don't necessarily like the original meaning behind the song...but whatever. If you ignore the lyrics of Louis' verse(just the lyrics. NOT his voice) then this would be a perfect song for loss. Hope you enjoy!!

Nathan's POV:

Darkness had engulfed me whole. I don't know what was going on. I could hear sirens in the distance, but other than that, silence was the only thing I felt. Before, pain was shooting throughout my body, but now I felt numb. I felt light weighted, as though I was floating. It was as though I was in an infinite abyss of non existence of gravity. But then, I saw a soft light approaching me. As the figure approached me, I figured who it was. I could recognise those green eyes from anywhere. Emerald.

That was the exact moment I realised what was happening. I was in the middle, of life and death and it all depended on me. It all factored down to one thing: One choice. One, which I was supposed to make. One, which would change my entire fate. One, which means either life or death. Normally this would be a difficult decision to take, for people who have families and friends, people who care about them. But, I don't have to face that dilemma. There was only Liam and Emerald that mattered to me. They were the only two who meant something to me. Don't get me wrong, I love Liam a lot, but not more than Em.

She means the world to me and I would follow her through the gates of even death, if that was what it took to be with her. She was my saviour and without her, I was dead anyway. She looked so beautiful with a soft halo surrounding her, so angelic. Maybe she looked angelic because she was an Angel, or maybe that was just me. She smiles at me and told me that she would support my decision, no matter what it was. Doesn't she realise what my decision was going to be? I would follow her, no matter what. But before that I knew I had to do something. Someone to say goodbye to. Liam.

As soon as I spotted him, my heart broke at the sight. He was standing in front of the willow tree, with tears flowing down his eyes. Some people looked at him weirdly while others asked him what was wrong. And with every time he would smile and tell people that he was okay, it just seemed more and more unconvincing. His head was hung low and occasional sobs would leave his mouth. I know that he was more broken than he showed. That's Liam, always wanting to be the glue, no matter how broken he himself was. But then I noticed something on his hand. A bracelet. The bracelet.

He knew.

Liam's POV:

Everything was a mess. A few hours ago, I had received a call from an officer saying that Nathan had died in an accident. No sooner had they called than they brought his body to the hospital. When I told them I was family and went to see him, the sight in front of me was heart wrenching. Blood literally covered him. It was oozing out of his head, and his whole shirt was red. I couldn't watch it anymore, and was about to turn away, until I noticed something on his hand. A bracelet, the one which I had given to him the other day. I slowly, with trembling hands slid it off his hand and put it on my own. Something to remind me of him.

I didn't think I was capable of shedding anymore tears, but I was proven wrong. As soon as I stood in front of the willow tree, the tears came back and so did the sobs. But this time, I didn't hold them back, I didn't have to. There was no one for whom I had to be strong anymore. I couldn't hold them back, even if I wanted to. I lost two of the most important people of my life, in just a span of 24 hours. How did fate turn so cruel towards me?

The time I had spent with Emmy and Nathan was precious and beyond compare. But it is inevitable and is the law of nature that every good thing must come to an end. And that is exactly what happened here. The time I had with them, though was beyond precious, had to sadly come to an end. But I found relief at the thought that, while our time had come to an end, both their suffering and pain had also come to an end.

I know what Nathan would say if he were here, or even Emmy for that matter. That they were sorry and had no intention to hurt me. But if that was the case, then I really wish that they would show a bit, just a little bit, of mercy on me. Just stayed for a little longer, just till the night. And as the Sun would rise, they could be gone as well. Maybe lay it down gently and not so suddenly. Maybe by giving me just a bit more of time. Maybe by smiling at me just once more. Maybe by giving me time to give them a proper goodbye. Give them all the love I had, as a goodbye. To love them goodbye.

But what broke my heart the most was what they were wearing to walk out of my life. Emmy had on mom's ring on her finger, and Nathan had worn the bracelet which I had given him. It was as though they were breaking my heart more than necessary. But I allowed them that. After all, my heart was already breaking. Go on, just twist the knife, to make it hurt and bleed out more. I give you that privilege, willingly.

The bond that Nathan and Emmy had was special. But the bond that I shared with these two was unexplainable. Bonds of love are usually born naturally and due to nurtured love. But our bond was formed over our brokenness, our miseries and pain. We bonded over our wounds and scars. But that flourished into love. The kind which was beyond compare. It was beyond beautiful. It was magical. It was ethereal. It was pure.

And it was amazing. No matter how short it was.

(A/ N) :Hey guys. So this is the 28th Chapter. I cried so much while writing this chapter. So, what did you think of Nathan's decision? Was it fair? Do you think Liam can handle two losses at once? What about Liv? How will she react? Will Liam be okay? Your thoughts on Liam's feelings? Did you guys like the chap? Was it good? Let me know your thoughts.

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Happy reading!!! :)

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