The saferoom

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*dave looks around the safe room* Dave's POV: where did I leave my knife. Oh there it is *dave picks up his knife* now I am gonna text sportsy *dave picks up is phone* [dave texts sportsy] dave: hey sportsy!!! Jack:what do you want dave? Dave:meet me in the safe room sportsy! Jack: no I'm busy! Dave: please sportsy? Jack: fine I'm headed that way. Dave: yay! *jack enters the safe room*. Jacks pov: dave what do you want! "Can you help me kill kiddos please?" WHAT NO!! I'm trying to run a  business not a kid murder factory! "But-t jack remember the old times". Yes now stop dave we got that place shut down! "I know sport but killing kids can free you of your contact!!!" Dave I don't really care I'm gonna go talk to Matt *jack leaves the room*. Dave's POV: why won't he kill kids with me? Well tonight I'm gonna sneak into his house! *at night* now is the time *dave goes to jacks house* sportsy "AHHHHHHH dave what the fuck are you doing here" I came to visit you! "Leave now eggplant" no never! "Then I will fire you" bet you won't! *jack gets Dave's contact* "wanna bet" wait please don't do this sportsy! "Fine" yay "now leave" ok sportsy *dave walks back to Freddys* that was fun I got to see sportsy i should probably hide now ~the next day 1/19/87~ jacks pov: I can't believe Dave broke into my house I'm gonna go talk to him *jack enters the safe room* hey Dave I have a question. "Y-yeah sportsy" why were you in my house? "Oh i-I um..." Dave tell me! "Well uh I was gonna..." gonna what?? "I was gonna watch you sleep" WHAT THE HELL!?!?! {Dave's mind: few close one he would of killed me if I said sleep with him} Dave! Dave? DAVE! "Wha" finally now do you need anything before I leave you in here "uh yeah can you lure kids back here for me?" Dave I said no what makes you think I'm gonna say yes "I don't know" well bye *jack leaves the room* Dave's POV: what a good day of being alone in the safe room I guess I will go preform on stage now. *dave puts on spring suit and leaves the safe room* ~kids walk up to Dave~ hi kids how has your day been? ~kids: GREAT~ good wanna hear a joke? ~kids: YES~ ok! What did the doggo say to the other doggo? ~kids: i don't know~ Bork Bork!!! ~kids: HAHAHAHAHA~ well I have to go now wanna meet my friend spring Freddy kids? ~kids: YES~ ok follow me! *dave takes the kids to the safe room* ~kids: where's spring Freddy??~ *dave takes of the suits head* HAHAHAHAHA you idiots think you will see spring Freddy pfft *dave kills all of the kids in the room* haha you thought! *jack walks into the safe room...*

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