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Dave's POV: yeah with a fax you rat/Steven! (Steven): you mean my fax you rat! (Jack): shush you both! (Both): NO. (Jack) wanna fight then? No I don't let's just leave jack and leave Steven here ok! "Ok the bye bye lil rat/Steven!" *jack and Dave leave the fax striper club* where we going next jack? "Well I wanna prank call Steven" ok that will be fun!!! *the two call Steven* "what jack and Dave I'm busy right now hurry up" "(both) thank you for calling State Farm do you want to make a bank account?" "What did you two get robed or something this is jacks phone number!!" "(Both) THIS IS JAKE FROM STATE FARM HOW MAY I HELP YOU!!!!!!" " I did not call jake from State Farm is this a prank cause this is jacks contact number I don't understand?" "(Both) uh you called jake from State Farm anyway you want a free bank account?" "No now bye jack and Dave" *the call ends* "dave that was funny wanna call him again?" Yesssss duhhh like who you think I am!! *they call Steven back* "hello jack how can I help you" (both): uhh this is jake from State Farm why did you call back did you change your mind?? "NO I DID NOT YOU CALLED!" "Steven stop yelling at people and talk to the fax ok hang up the dam call cause you already have a bank account!" (Both): oop byeeee!! "YES FINALLY" "STEVEN SHUT UP AND LET THEM LEAVE" oop that was weird sportsy! "I know now wanna go to the bar and get some beers" ok let's go jack Steven was boring anyway. "Ok come on  let's go weeee" *they drive down to the bar* sport I'm gonna call Steven back I promise it will be funny "ok go ahead" ok *he calls Steven* hey Steven! What Dave what now? Heh hem we are farmers bum bum bum bum bum bum! Dave really not right now! Well bye bye *dave hangs up* "oop we are farmers bum bum bum bum bum" *ok but this is not apart of the story but if you want follow my friends TikTok my Friends user is @_dsaf_idiot_ now done with this* lol calling him was funny! "Yeah we also really close to the bar and there it is" *the to pull into the bar* jacks POV: ok Dave let's go inside now but first you still have my id and money and that's it! "Are you forgetting keys?" No dave I won't forget them cause I have to take them to lock the car you idiot! "Oh I forgot well I got your id money and stuff" ok let's go in wait is that a doggo it is I'm gonna go pet it!!!!! "NO" why dave? "Cause you don't need to pet every dog you see" yes I do! * jack gets out the car and runs yo the doggo* doggo doggo doggo doggo doggo doggo!! "Lord please help"...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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