Mega gæ in the safe room

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Jacks POV: REALLY DAVE "jack I-I" Dave come here "oh ok..." *dave walks up to jack* why did you do this dave why did you kill 4 kids? "Well I-I um..." it's fine *jack pulls Dave close* why:jack whispers: "I uh..." *Dave's face starts to glow a light purple* you not gonna answer me huh? Well here *jack gives Dave a folded small paper* see you later davey *jack winks and leaves the room* Dave's POV: did he j-just wink at me and call me davey! *dave opens the note that jack gave him* the note has a date on it for tomorrow at 12:30 hmm I guess he won't come to work tomorrow? I will sneak into his house tonight! I will just text him *daves phone dings* oh wait never mind! "Hey sexy did you read my note?" "Yeah I did" *dave blush's* "good" "hey jack what was "sexy" for?" "Oh davey you will find out" "i will jack?" "Yep you sure will davey well I gtg" "ok jack". Well that was interesting! Something is up with jack tho he would never call me "sexy" cause he's not gay right also he was very close to me it was like he was gonna kiss me! He's not gay I think I will ask him later. I wish I could have someone to talk when I am in the safe room only sportsy talks to me... well I guess I will clean up the dead body's before it starts to smell really bad! *dave cleans up the kids body's in the safe room* few finally done that was hard kinda! It would be easier if sportsy help me but now what should i do? *dave sees a image of jack naked in his head* w-what was that... was that jack? It was! Wait why do I feel tingly inside? D-do I like jack? No I can't we're best friends!!! I-I, am I gay... no I'm not I'm straight I had a girlfriend! But that was years ago. Well dose sportsy like me he did flirt with me so maybe. I can't the image of jack out of my head But he is kinda cute I mean I can lie! Wait what am I thinking... he probably doesn't like me. Wait if he dose like me what am I gonna say I'm too nervous! I can't tell him I like him he might hate me. Well it's dark so I'm gonna head to old sports house now *dave goes to jacks house* now to jacks room "hmm what to wear to bed" hey jack "hey wait DAVE LEAVE" why "I'm CHANGING YOU IDIOT" oh ok "thank you" *jack finish getting changed* "davey I'm done!" Ok coming *dave enters jacks room* "so why did you come over?" Oh so are you going to work yo wanna know cause phone will yell at us "oh I'm not if you want stay the night ok"...

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