The night/day

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Jacks POV: "but jack I will have to sleep on the couch" no you won't sleep with me *jack winks at dave and signals him to lay in bed*. "W-what  first uhm are you gay?" Davey really why would I let you sleep with me then? "I don't know sorry for asking" come on get in bed! "Oh ok want me to get us some drinks" yeah do you know where kitchen is? "Of course jack" oh ok that's weird but ok! *dave leaves and gets them wine* "I'm back my orange baby" well what are you waiting F-for did you just call me your orange baby? "Yes I did got a problem with it?" *jacks face starts to glow* N-no I don't davey now come here! "Ok here *dave gives jack a wine* so what are we doing tomorrow" well wanna go to the bar and get some beer? Then kebab shopping "OMG YES" I knew you would wanna join in! "You know me so well" well yeah cause I'm ur boyfriend! "Wait did you say boyfriend?" Yep! "Wait really!!" Yes davey or should I say babe. "yay!" Well let's watch tv. "Ok" *they start to drink* davey you there still? "..." oh your drunk already it's only been like 5 minutes dam davey! Well since your drunk. *jack looks at Dave* well you look hot. Well hope you don't mind but *jack kisses davey* that was nice! "WoW tHaTT wAaS hWWat" your funny dave but I think you need rest for right now "nOoOoOOO sportsy" I can't argue with you fine we will stay! "WeEeEE StTaay UpP" my gosh dave you sound funny wait dave you took beer didn't you cause I drank my wine and was not drunk my gosh dave! "BBbeEeAaar" no more beer for you davey! "W-wWHhhYyYy" cause your gonna get sick! "NnNnnooOOO" yes you are I will give you water. "FfFffIiiNnNnnEEeee" ok I will be right back *jack leaves the room to get drinks* davey I'm back! *jack walks in and gives dave his water* "WawAtTtTTeeerRR" really dave I think you need sleep it's late and your high so drink your water and go to bed ok davey! "YYeESss" ok now go drink your water then *jack gets in bed and Dave drinks his water* ok good davey bed time for you soon also why is friends on tv I don't watch that crap I will change it to family guy *dave goes to sleep while jack changes the tv show to family guy* dave you a sleep oh yep you are I will just watch tv then! Ok so tomorrow I won't go to work and me and Dave will go to the bar and get kebabs. What else hmm maybe go to the pet shop to look at doggos!! Doggos are as cute as dave that means they are both 100000000/10 cause they so cute but what else maybe prank call people and phoney duh who won't like...

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