Big Gæ stuff

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Jacks POV: well I guess I'm gonna go to bed now it is currently 1:45 am and I have a long day tomorrow *jack go's to bed* ~few hours later~ *jacks alarm goes off* w-wait oh it's my alarm wait where is davey I guess i will go down stairs. *jack walks down stairs* wait coffee sent davey where are you "yeah jack what do you need" i smell coffee!! "There is a cup of coffee on the counter" ok! *jack gets the cup of coffee and sits next to dave* have you herd from phoney yet "yeah i have" what did he say "he said he would fire you if he was your boss" oh well to bad for him! "I know right" yeah but wanna go to the stripper fax club davey? "YES" ok get ready! "Ok" *dave goes and gets ready* "I'm ready jack let's go now let's go" ok calm down davey don't be in a big rush I'm trying to wake up cause I'm still tired. "Ok then I will warm up the car it's cold out" ok dave don't steal my car! "I won't also why do you walk to work" cause then I won't waste gas! "Ok I'm gonna be out side" *jack walks to the car* you ready dave? "Yes yes yes yes" you look cold you sure your not cold I don't want you complaining later? "I'm not cold jack I'm fine" dave your cold. "Fine" here *jack gives dave his jacket* I don't need it ok dave. "Ok you sure" yes dave I have no soul I will be fine! "Oh yeah right thank you jack" your welcome now let's go vroom! "Yeah!" *dave and jack drive to the fax striper place* we are here dave! "Ok let's go in" I need my id to get in can you get it out of the glove box? "Yeah here *dave gives jack his id from the glove box*" thanks now let's go! *they walk into the striper fax club* the man at the front desk: hi welcome can I see your id sir "yeah here it is also that eggplant is with me" ok mr.Kennedy! Here have ur Id back and go right ahead! "Ok dave come on". Dave's POV: wow this place is cool wait is that Steven? "I think it is" ima talk to him! "Ok dave go ahead I will be with the fax's" hey Steven! (Steven):what are you doing here are you with jack or by urself? (Dave):I'm with jack look he is with the fax's why are you here? (Steven):oh uh um DONT YIFF THE FAX JACK!!!!! (Jack): your not my boss anymore I can do what I want also davey come join me! (Steven) NO! (Dave) ok! *dave and jack start yiffing the fax* ~unholy noises~ (jack): oh yeah!!! (Steven): NOOO not the fax!!!!!! (Dave): it's hot in here like dying hot... (Steven):maybe cause your having s$x duh!

(DSaF) DavesportWhere stories live. Discover now