Chapter Twenty One

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Once Katniss regained her breath, we head back to the beach, not wanting to experience the spinning rock again. I sit, leaning against a tree, one knee up, and play with my knife. 

"So besides Brutus and Enobaria " Katniss frowns "Who's left?"

"Maybe Chaff?" Peeta suggests. 

"Then it's just those three" I say. 

"Well they know they're outnumbered so I doubt they'll attack again" Finnick jumps in, and leans on his Trident "We'll be safe here on the beach" My eyes flicker over to Katniss. She stares as though she's in a daydream, and I'm about to ask her if she's okay when we hear a piercing scream that I actually wince, and rub my ear. 

"Prim!" Katniss shrieks, and runs into the forest, Finnick runs after her, calling her name. The sound screaming for Katniss lowers as it moves further into the trees. My head snaps up, that was Prim's voice. Then I slowly stand up, as realization hits me.

Jabberjays.  Mutts that copy the voice of whoever they hear. So they heard Prims screams. Why? Where was she? 

I take off into the trees, and the other three call my name, and eventually take off after me. "Luce wait!" Peeta shouts, running closer behind me, and pulls me to a stop. "What's happening?!"

"Go and get your weapons, we'll need them" I tell him quickly, and take off again. Peeta sprints on the opposite direction. The further I run, the closer I am to them, but I sure didn't expect to slam into them as hard as I did. But before I hit the ground, one of the pair grabs hold of me, pulls me to my feet, and drags me along with them, and run in the direction I had appeared from. 

The jabberjays surround us, I have to smack some away just so I can see where we're running to. When I see Peeta, I relief floods my body, so I sprint faster towards him. But something's not right. He's panicked, and looks like he's banging on an invisible wall...

I swear so many times in my head. The clock. The sections that close after an hour. We're stuck in this one.  Jabberjays. I slowly come to a stop, and don't try and warn Katniss and Finnick that they won't be able to get to others, they won't hear me. I can hardly hear myself.  

Katniss and Finnick both slam into the wall, but I don't see their reaction, because I'm too busy listening to the small sound that I recognize, that gradually gets louder and louder, until I start to feel sick.

It's my mother. Screaming my name. Begging for something to stop. This is what happened to her when she was captured. Haymitch's voice joins hers. I look around frantically, they can't have got him! They've already taken my mother, I won't let them take him from me. Effie's screams nearly drive me to scream after them, praying it's not real. But it can't be! I can't- won't believe it.  I bang my fists onto the invisible barrier, praying my strength was enough to break it.

But once again, another prayer unanswered. 

I slow down when I hear another voice, but it isn't one I recognize. It's a mans voice, screaming for me to run. I know this man. I must do.  Peeta forces me to look at him through the barrier. I focus my eyes into his, pained and bloodshot, he still manages to mouth something to me. 

'It's not real!" I think he shouts. So I nod my head a few times, and breath heavily. "Say it!" He mouthes again, so that's what I do.

"It's not real" I say slowly at first, and then repeat it. I hold onto my ears, and slowly collapse onto the ground "It's not real. It's not real. It's not real" 

Saying this was the only thing keeping me sane. 


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