Chapter Fourteen

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"There's no way they'll cancel. They can't"  Katniss whispers, as the three of us sit in Katniss' room, waiting for Haymitch to come back with any type of news. We've all been stripped from our make up, and have put simple clothes on. 

I hug my cardigan tightly around my body, as I lean against the window, my hair in my usual messy bun. I hear the clicking of Effie's shoes, and look toward the doorway, where they're walking towards us. Katniss and Peeta stand up, I straighten up, and move beside them.

"Baby bomb was a stroke of genius, but unfortunately-"

"The Games are still on" I whisper, finishing his sentence for him. He nods

"This is goodbye, for now" I look up, and find him looking at Katniss. Has he told her we're planning to escape? Or is this one of his little snide deals? We're all silent for a moment.

"Presents, for the boys" Effie hands the both a shiny black box.

"What is this?" Haymitch grumbles, finding a way to open it.

"Your token, remember?" Effie smiles. What does she mean token? Have I missed something here? "Hair for me, pin for Katniss, necklace for Luce, gold bangle for you, and Peeta, the medallion that we talked about"  Yep, definitely missed something. 

I look at both of the boys, they're smiling (Haymitch less than Peeta) 

"We're a team, aren't we?" Effie whispers. I stare at her. Effie, who's beauty hides behind a face of Capitol expectations, the mother I wish were mine, is the last woman I want to see crying.

"Of course we are" I smile at her. She nods, and hugs Peeta 

"And I'm so proud of my Victors" She cries, and then swaps to Katniss "So proud"  When she turns to me, I try not to look her in the eye, but it doesn't matter, she hugs me anyway

"Well you all deserved, so much better" She sobs into my neck. I have to look up to stop the tears from falling, I pull away, and rub her arm. 

"Thank you Effie" Katniss whispers, and Effie grips hold my right hand

"I am truly sorry"  She looks at us individually, cries, and waddles off out the room.

"Thank you Haymitch" Peeta hugs him "for everything" Haymitch slaps him on the back.

He doesn't need to say goodbye to me, he knows I won't be able to sleep tonight, and eventually find my way to him. 

"Any last advice?" Katniss asks. He nods

"Stay alive" He smirks, and is about to walk off. "Haymitch wait!" Katniss calls after him, and gives him a hug too.

I turn away, and find Peeta sitting on the bed, his elbows balanced on his knees "Are you okay?" I whisper. 

"I think so" He whispers back, and looks up at me. I give him a small smile, as he stands up, and wraps his arms tightly around me. 

"Peeta listen to me" I begin to whisper, as Katniss continues talking to Haymitch "I love you so much, you're like my little brother" I pull out of the hug

"I love you too" He whispers back

"Things are going to happen, things are going to change. But I promise that I'll die before I let anyone try to kill you" I nod my head, and move away before he can respond. 

Katniss has enough protection. I know we need to protect the Mockingjay at all costs. 

But I'm not leaving Peeta behind. 

"I'll let you sleep" I say, walking past Katniss.

"Luce wait" She calls after me, I stop, and hold onto the side of the door "Are you with us? Are we still a team?" I smile to myself, and turn to face them both

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