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Hey Lovely Readers,
Back with a new Update. Sorry for being late pikachucreates

So Continuing,
At Night 🌉
Ranbir and Aryan were sitting in their room... Ranbir's back was facing the door...
Aryan : Hm...So today our Romeo's Mood is very Good! Why so?
Prachi entered the room....Aryan was about to speak when Prachi signed him to keep quiet 🤫
Ranbir : Have you seen Prachi Today? She was looking so damn beautiful and hot...Yaar I wasn't able to take off my eyes from her...And in the Mehendi ceremony, how she was blushing!
Prachi was blushing while Aryan was giggling in mind...

Aryan (in mind) : How sweet! Both Love Birds...
Ranbir : Yaar and how she danced in the Sangeet. I wasn't able to take off my eyes from her...
Aryan : Ranbir
He raised his hand. But Ranbir ignored it.
Ranbir : I know I know..What you want to say. That if I will speak this all in front of Prachi, then she will be very angry. That's why I am sharing this with you. But really she is very Hot and Pretty than other girls. And I can see her for forever.
Aryan again raised his hand.
Ranbir : That's why what a Great plan we made. We silenty watched the whole function. And no lady knows about this. Actually I am very happy about Maya coming in my life. She came and I got my love. And I know Prachi loves me. I will make her realise about her feelings for me. After we get married, really my life will be the best.
Once again, Aryan raised his hand to speak. But Ranbir is Ranbir. He can't stop speaking infront of Everyone except his Prachi. Isn't it?

Ranbir : But I can repeat this 100 times. I love You Prachi 💕✨
And their Prachi's heartbeat was doubled.
Aryan made a cry baby face, caught his own ears and left from Their silenty. When Ranbir turned to see Aryan Going, He was stunned to see Prachi their.
Prachi was still in shock. Her heartbeat was doubled after listening this.
Ranbir got up and moved towards Prachi.
He pulled Prachi in and closed the door.
He was smirking seeing the effect of "I❤️U" on Prachi 🤩
He pulled her by waist and their lips brushed.
Ranbir : I❤️U Prachi.
Prachi's breaths andnd heartbeat doubled.
Ranbir : I❤️U Prachi.
He was decreasing the space between their lips.
Ranbir : I❤️U Prachi.
And with this be claimed her lips. She was too stunned to react. Ranbir was enjoying the moment not bothering about Prachi reacting or not. Soon she also started responding. It changed into a passionate one!
They showered their love through this way. Wait, What? Love?

After 5 minutes, they broke their kiss.
Ranbir : I❤️U Prachi.
Prachi was about to leave when Ranbir caught her wrist.
Prachi : Ranbir leave I have to go.
Ranbir : If you will tell anyone about we all watching the lady's functions, then it will be not good for you... I am warning you.
Prachi jerked his hand and left from their.
Ranbir smirked knowing what's gonna happen next!
In Prachi's urf Ranbir's Room:-
She called Sahana, Pragya, Rhea, Dida and Pallavi their and told them about Gents watching ladies function. They decided to confront them the next day!

Next Morning 🌄
Wedding Day..
Everyone got up in morning. The wedding was at evening 🌆
Ranbir came running downstairs and smirked seeing the scenario their. Dida was taking the class of Gents for watching Ladies function but soon the smirked vanished hearing them blaming him for this plan.
Dida came to Ranbir and caught his ear.
Ranbir winced in pain.
Ranbir : Sorry...Dida..Will never repeat...Sorry... Really... Please Please Please leave.
Dida : This time I am leaving you but next time it will not be good.
Ranbir : Sure.
Everyone had their breakfast and sat in the hall. Prachi was working in the kitchen alone. She was washing the dishes and was done with it when two hands slided across her waist. She was feeling million of butterflies in her stomach.🤩
Prachi : Ra..Ranbir..I.
Ranbir shushed her by keeping his finger on her lips.
He held her wrist and took her to his room.

But on the way, In the hall.
Dida : Ranbir, Prachi. Where are you.
Ranbir interrupted : Dida, some usual talks of husband and wife.
Dida : But till yet you aren't and Don't you dare scold Prachi.
Ranbir : I will not scold her. Your sware. I will always love her.
Everyone : Means?
Pranbir left leaving Everyone confused 🤔

In Ranbir's Room
He pulled Prachi in and closed the door. He pinned her to the wall.
Prachi : Ra...Ranbir
Before she could say anything, Ranbir smashed his lips on hers.He was moving his hand on her waist. She was feeling shy.
After 15 minutes, they broke the kiss.
Ranbir : Next time, it will be worse than this. Some sweet torture.
Prachi was blushing. He traced his finger on her cheek. He kissed her crimson cheeks. Prachi was feeling very shy.
Ranbir : I❤️U Prachi.
Prachi : Ra...Ranbir.
Ranbir : I promise next time, You will say
I❤️U too.
Prachi : Ranbir.
Ranbir pecked her lips.

Prachi was feeling shy and was embarrassed.
She hung her head down.
Ranbir lifted her head up by her chin.
Ranbir pecked her forehead, cheeks and lips.
Her cheeks were painted Dark Red.
He caressed her lips and left Kissing her lips the last time.
Prachi was smiling reminiscing the moments which took place a minute ago.
Sahana came scared and running.
Sahana : Prachi, A big problem has came. Come down fast.
Prachi : What?
Sahana : The Guest Room, where it was decided that you will get ready. Come fast.
Before Prachi could ask anything, Sahana took her..

In Guest Room.
Everyone was their standing outside.
Pragya was crying. Everyone was in tears.😱

To Be Continued...
Stay tuned!
1000 words...

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