Chunin Exam: Part Three

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We were the first ones to arrive. 

The Jonin that was supposed to greet us looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"Congratulations...No ones ever passed the second stage this quickly," he said. "Take a seat. The third section of the exam will begin once everyone has arrived."

I hoped it wouldn't take long for the rest of shinobi to get here. Not only was I feeling pumped after our scuffle in the forest, but I didn't want to be alone with Itachi for much longer. I was feeling awkward.

I looked through my bag, and found a bottle of water I could give to the cat. I still didn't know what to name it, but I figured the name would come to me sooner or later.

Hours passed, and only one other team walked in. 

What was taking everyone so long?

"I'm taking a nap," I said to Itachi. "Wake me up if anything happens."

I didn't wait for his response, and stretched before laying down on the bench.


Two fingers touching my forehead forced me wide awake.

I rubbed my eyes. When you wake up in a place unfamiliar to you, it takes a moment to register what happened.

There were a couple squads here, but not nearly as many as I saw before we went into the forest. Did that many people really fail?

"The third part of the exam is starting in fifteen minutes," said Itachi. 

"Oh, thanks" I replied. I retightened the headband I was wearing, and made sure I still had all my tools on me.

The jonin who was proctoring this part of the exam was beginning to walk towards the center of the fighting arena.

"You were drooling." said Itachi, after a moment.

My face felt hot.

"I'm not gonna let you embarrass me before a fight," I said.

A ghost of a smile appeared on his lips, and the first names were called.

A couple of fights went by, none that particularly caught my eye. 

"Don't get overconfident," said Itachi.

I rolled my eyes.

"You're one to talk," I responded.

Was this really all we needed to do to be Chunin? Is this what being a ninja was about?

Before I could contemplate this any further, my name appeared on the screen.

"Mira and Benjiro," called the jonin. 

I handed Itachi my cat. 

"Take care of her in the meantime," I said, before facing the arena.

"Tsuki," whispered Itachi. I turned to him. "You should name her Tsuki."

"Tsuki," I repeated wistfully. Well, if I died now, at least my cat had a name.

Benjiro and I faced each other while the jonin explained the rules again. He was taller than me, with light brown hair and blue eyes. His headband revealed that he was from the hidden mist village. He might have been cute, if it wasn't for that obnoxious grin on his face. Was he...mocking me?

I cracked my knuckles. He'd pay for that.

"Begin," said the jonin, before stepping back.

A pin could have dropped, and the noise would have been louder than the seconds after the match began.

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