Probably the Worst Day Ever

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It took me a moment to process what she was saying.

There a thump in the closet- Shisui had heard. He probably stood up too fast and hit his head, but my mother didn't pay it any mind.

"Itachi? Why Itachi?! He would never agree to it-"

"He already did. You should be grateful somebody from the head branch wants to marry you," she said.

"I get that you're mad at me- I know I was being selfish earlier, but please don't take this out on Itachi. I didn't realize that I'd be hurting him by refusing the position-"

"So, you only want to become an ANBU once Itachi had to pay, but not for your family?!" She paused before continuing. "Perhaps this pairing is better than we thought."

For a long time, we just looked at each other.

"I can't marry Itachi," I said quietly. "I don't want to marry him for this. I-I'll join Root. I don't want to bring anyone else into this-"

"You already have," She didn't look like my mother in this moment. I felt my throat beginning to choke up. "You will join Root, and you will marry Itachi," she said, and left without another word.

The closet door opened carefully after she left.

"Mira?" Shisui walked over and put his hands on my shoulders, but I was staring at the door. "Mira," he turned my chin up gently so that I'd meet his gaze.

My eyes were glassy from the tears beginning to form.

"What am I going to do, Shisui? I'm ruining everything-"

"You can't marry Itachi, Mira," he held me close, like if he didn't, he'd have lost me for good.

"Every choice I make leads to a worse one- Would it really be so bad if I married him? People marry for strategic reasons all the time." I sniffled before continuing. "It could be worse...Itachi is my best friend. He'll treat me right. I don't see any reason I couldn't marry him-"

"You could marry for love, Mira!" His voice was dripping with anger. "If I would have been asked, I would have said yes in a heartbeat- Mira, you can't marry him. If you marry Itachi-"

"Shisui..." I pressed my forehead to his and put my hand on his face.

The tears streaming down his face touched my hand, confirming what I feared- he was crying.

I'd never seen Shisui cry- not when his friend died, and especially not on his worst day.

"I love you so much, Mira. Too much to see you in pain for the rest of your life with Itachi."

It felt like my heart stopped for a moment.

That was the first time he'd ever told me he loved me.

"You love me," I repeated quietly.

"I don't know if Itachi loves you, or if you love me, but I'm telling you now that I've loved you for a long time, Mira. You've known this- and as much as it pains me to say, I think you've tried to ignore it," He laughed sadly.

I felt guilty, but this was as honest as we'd ever been with each other.

I took a deep breath.

"I have. I can't deny it, but It's only because I care about you too much to let myself..." My throat was feeling tight again. I couldn't say it. "If anything were to happen to you- That's hard enough without being with you. I know you would give your life to the world- you're the kindest person I know but I don't want you to die for me. Not ever- What I need is- I need you to live for me, Shisui."

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