Angels of Death

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I read it again and again. No survivors?

I felt chills all over my body.

Sasuke and Itachi survived. Itachi killed the entire clan. My family was dead. 

My throat felt tight. I needed to leave- I needed to catch my breath.

Why did I feel like I couldn't breathe?

"Mira, we understand that this is-"

Serin's mother put her hand on my arm, and I took a step back. I put a hand on my throat.

"No...This isn't happening, this isn't happening- There's no way." I could hear my heartbeat getting loud, it was the only evidence that this was real.

"The village- What have they done to him? I asked them to leave him alone, I can't I believe I was stupid enough to believe them! They killed Shisui, and now..." I was angry crying now. 

The leaf had gone too far this time.

Serin and her parents were looking at me, and I felt really guilty all of a sudden. 

"I-I appreciate everything you've done for me, but I need to leave," I said.

"Don't you think you'd be safer here? He know..."

She didn't need to finish her sentence. I knew what she was thinking. Serin and her family were very kind, but they'd be better off without me.

"He won't kill me." I said with absolutely certainty. "And you know why? Because he can't. He's killed our family of people who were already dying of bitterness. I'm not his target- I'm already dead to the village." I said simply.

There was no changing my mind. Everyone knew that. 

Poor Sasuke...

I went to pack up my bags, and Serin followed quietly. 

"Sorry for leaving like this. You'll probably need to take over my shifts at the ramen place though- I hope you can forgive me for that someday." I smiled. I'd miss her a lot. It was the first time I had a female friend who I could actually talk to without worrying about their betrayal.

She didn't laugh though, and instead looked at me seriously. 

"Or I could go with you," she said.

My eyes widened.

"You want to go with me?" I was surprised. I knew I couldn't stay here forever, but I didn't think about leaving with her. I sort of planned on leaving in the middle of the night by myself, since I figured something disastrous would happen, and I'd need to leave quickly.

"I do. It's not like It's my dream to run the shop forever, you know. And I think our practices have been going pretty well, don't you?"

She had a point- she was a good Shinobi at this point in our training. If she were registered, I think she would have been a Chunin. 

"You're right," I sighed. This was going to be a long journey for the both of us. "Well, pack lightly. We're gonna be moving quickly."

"Do you even have a plan?" she asked.

"I won't lie to you; not really. I mean, this isn't really an escape plan, think of it more like a passion project."

"I'm listening," she said.

I waited a second. I knew my "plan" was absolutely ridiculous, but I wanted to savor the moment before she realized I was crazy.

"What do you know about the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist?" I asked casually.

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