Double-Edged Swords

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I was right dreading going home. As soon as I walked in, I felt like I was smacked in the face.

"You said no to becoming an ANBU?!" my mother shouted at me. 

"You're back from your mission," I noted.

 I didn't want to talk about this with her- or really anyone for that matter. It wasn't anyones business but mine. 

"Have you lost your fucking mind?" She walked after me. Okay, so she was tense. Got it. She didn't usually curse, but losing her temper wasn't out of the ordinary.

 I set my bag on a chair in my room and turned to her. 

"Itachi and Shisui are ANBU- why isn't that enough? I don't want to do it- Danzo gives me the creeps, and I would have been under his direct supervision."

"We all have to work with people we don't want to, Mira. The difference is, a good Shinobi doesn't let it affect their work. Can you think about someone other than yourself for a moment? We aren't in the same branch as Itachi- or Shisui, for that matter. We need the money!" she said.

"Money? I didn't realize we were living in squalor-"

I don't remember the Fourth Hokage very well, since he died when I was around five, but he was said to be the fastest shinobi in history. I don't know about speed of light, but that's how fast it felt like my mother's palm hit my face. 

I put my hand on my face. My eyes immediately teared up. 

Had that really just happened? What I said was still true; we weren't as wealthy as Itachi, but we definitely weren't poor. Why did I actually have to be in the ANBU?

"If money is a problem, I can find another way to support us," I said. "I could get a part time job, or take on extra missions-"

My mother had her head in her hands. It was the first time I really saw the grays in her hair, and wrinkles near her eyes. This mission must have really worn her out- Where was my dad?

"Mira child," said Granny. I hadn't noticed her come into the room. Her hands were gentle on my shoulders. "Could you run by the village and get a couple things for me? No rush at all. You can take my wallet on the table."

I took a last look at them, and grabbed the wallet like she told me to. 

What the hell was going on?

I opened the front door, and thought I could finally let out everything I was feeling, when I saw Shisui standing in front of me. 

"Long time no see, Mira! You miss me?" He was holding a bouquet of Dahlias. 

How long was he standing out here muttering to himself?

I laughed a little, which was followed by a sniffle. My face still stung from where my mother struck me.

He looked at me, definitely relieved I hadn't brought up how distant he'd been recently, but his face became alarmed when he saw I was crying. 

He pulled me into his arms protectively, and I choked back a sob. 

"Mira? What's wrong? What happened?"

"Not here, Shisui" I sniffled. "Let's go somewhere else."

He looked at me, and after a moment, nodded.

"Alright," he said, and held my hand the entire time we made our way through the forest.

I thought about how Itachi walked in on me crying, and how he had no idea what to do. I almost started laughing, but when a crying person laughs, it sort of sends a weird message.

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