Chapter 12: Alone.

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(Y/N) yawned and stretched before rubbing theirs eyes and sitting up, they were relatively calm  until they opened their eyes to see a  room they had never seen before, the neko started to panic 

"Y-young Master!? G-Grell? Sebast-tian?" (Y/N)'s voice got quieter with each name "Smiles? Bard? Madam red? f-finny?" (Y/N)'s breathing became rapid and shallow as tears welled in their eyes, they started to whimper and their ears and tail puffed up in fear. Then a purple and blue maid walked in to see the very scared neko on the verge of screaming, she ran over and put a hand on their head, making them flinch and look up.

"It's alright Mx, please calm down" the maid said "Breathe in for 4 seconds"

(Y/N) took a breath in, their chest sinking.

"Hold for 7 seconds" 

(Y/N) was still.

"Breathe out for 8" 

(Y/N) let the air in their lungs  out and their breath started to regulate, meaning they mostly calmed down. 

"Th-thank you" (Y/N) stuttered and looked at Hannah with tearful eyes, (Y/N) had no idea why they reacted that way, they were mostly calm when they woke up in the Undertakers funeral parlour, was it because they felt very unsafe here?  or was because the funeral parlour felt so comfortable? 

The maid didn't say anything, she just stroked the neko's soft, silky hair and cooed as if (Y/n) were a child.  

"What is your name?" (Y/N) shakily asked, the maid smiled.

"My name is Hannah" Hannah replied still stroking their fur making them purr.

"Hannah?" (Y/N) smiled "that's a nice name" Hannah blushed and dropped their hand from the nekos head, returning it to her side. 

"Thank you" Hannah replied happily, (Y/N) looked at her for a second, finally realising something the neko reached up and traced their fingers lightly over the maids bandaged eye carefully avoiding area's that might hurt Hannah. 

"Hannah, what happened here?" (Y/N) asked filled with concern, their ears drooped against their head. Hannah's blush became darker, she smiled before gently grabbing the nekos hand and holding it for a few moments. 

"Nothing to concern yourself with angel" She replied "Now lets get you dressed" Hannah said and walked over to the dark wooden dresser next to the small uncomfortable bed that (Y/N) sat on. The neko took this time to properly look at the small room they woke up in. From what the (Y/N) could tell , they were in the servants quarters, the walls were a plain beige colour, there was a small window, well it wasn't really a window it was a hole in the wall with bars lining it, the floor was a very dark oak lastly the small bed that (Y/N) sat on was a twin bed with an old looking mattress and a thin blanket.  This sure was a downgrade compared to living with the Young master and Madam Red, but it wasn't the worst accommodation (Y/N) had seen. Speaking of the Young Master, where was he?

"Hannah?" (Y/N) asked, Hannah turned around with clothes around her arm "Where is my Master?" Hannah's smile faded, and she paused, her smile re-appeared, but it was a sympathetic smile and scratched (Y/N) behind the ears.

"I'll let my Master answer that" she avoided the question and started unbuttoning the neko's shirt.

"For now" Hannah removed (Y/N)'s shirt "Lets get you changed." (Y/N) nodded their head and got out of bed, still very confused and changed their undergarments, unlike Mey-rin, Hannah turned around until they were finished getting dressed. 

The outfit they wore was a short black dress that just reached the middle of their thighs, the dress puffed out at the bottom , it had white frills underneath , the waistline of the dress had a red ribbon tightly tied around it with a big bow at the back, the short sleeves also had white frills at the end. The dress' collar was white and looked like a shirt collar, they also wore thigh high, silk stockings that had red ribbons tied in bows at the top and no shoes. 

"Hannah, do I have to wear this?" (Y/N) held the edges of the dress blush covered their face, their ears were down and pointed outwards, their hair was a messy as ever. Blush erupted on Hannah's face at the  adorable sight she saw once she turned around , she eventually composed  herself.

"My Master requested that you wear this Mx" the maid smiled while still blushing " please turn around and face the mirror, so I can do your hair." (Y/N) did as they were told and faced the mirror, while their messy hair was being brushed out they started to piece together what happened... The master took them to The Trancy manor, then they woke up in a strange place that smells vaguely like Alois, so they must be in the Trancy manor. (Y/N) cringed  at this thought, they missed their master even if he was grumpy. Ciel wouldn't leave them here, right? He loved them, right?

"I am Finished Angel" Hannah happily said snapping the neko out of their thoughts making them look at themselves in the mirror, their now neat fluffy , (H/L) hair was tied back with a pretty red bow much like the one they wore when they met The Earl Trancy at the manor, a lock of the nekos (H/C) hair was tied into a braid at the front and ended behind their ear.

"Thank you, Hannah" (Y/N) replied.

Meanwhile in the Phantomhive manor, it was absolute chaos ever since Finny found out that Ciel sold (Y/N) he had been either screaming and shouting in anger or crying out for (Y/N) in sorrow, which took a toll on his physical and mental state, he missed his feline friend so much. Ciel still expected Finny to complete his tasks around the manor which outraged two other servants at the Phantomhive manor. Mey-rin and Bard where in the same situation as Finny, they felt so empty without (Y/N), the only thing that kept them going throughout the week the neko was at Madam red and Grell's manor was the thought of them coming back and giving them a big hug, so when the master they respected so much told them that, the light of their lives was sold to that annoying brat they were outraged. Many arguments  broke out between everyone in the manor  even Sebastian joined a few.  When they weren't fighting the atmosphere was silent. A painful sort of silence that left everyone with their own thoughts and memories of (Y/N). Ciel felt an unbelievable amount of regret, so much so that he hadn't even acted on the taking down the person who killed his parents, as:

1) He didn't fully believe Alois.

2) He was too much of an emotional wreck to leave his office. 

Elizabeth was also unhappy since Ciel kept himself locked up in his office every day and when she came to visit the house was of course either dangerous or eerily quiet, Elizabeth honestly thought the Phantomhive manor staff would be over it by now, but not even Sebastian would talk to her. Maybe if (Y/N) was back things would go back to normal, and she'd be treated like a lady again, she thought to herself.

They all wanted (Y/N) back. They needed (Y/N) back.

                                                                            ~End of chapter 12~

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