Chapter 14: The three creeps

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(Y/N) used to observe Ciel while he worked, they learnt a lot from the letters and forms that the young master let the curios neko pick up. The young Earl looked up at the neko studying them as they  concentrated on Ciels penmanship and even tried to copy his handwriting on a blank piece of parchment the young master provided them, (Y/N)  actually improved a lot in their brief stay at the manor and would even write little notes to Ciel. 

"Hello master :)"

"Can I have some of your cake please?"

"Sebastian is  annoying me!! Tell him off >:0"

Now The Earl quietly did his work, a small pile of notes to the right  of him that he would sometimes stare at in sorrow. Ciel picked up one of the notes  and read it every so often when he eventually became bored with the heaps of work he had to do every day.  The manor was still very quiet. Ciel let out a frustrated groan and started to wonder how (Y/N) was doing. 


(Y/N) was still sat on Alois' desk, they had been watching the young earl  for an hour now, the Earl was drawing very graphic, childish drawings of the servants at his manor, including (Y/N), in the drawing (Y/N) had just been strangled to death by Ciel, the neko shuddered. The neko looked at his most recent horrible drawing, it was three people they hadn't seen before, they looked like triplets from what (Y/N) could tell they had dark brown hair with... orange eyes? That's all (Y/N) could see considering that Trancy only drew their decapitated heads. The neko went to pick the drawing but was stopped by a hand shooting up and grabbing their arm, they looked up to see a very pissed off looking Alois.

"Sorry master" The neko apologised as soon as they saw Alois' expression, The Earl let go and went back to drawing.

"It's your highness" he mumbled softly,  thankfully (Y/N) heard it, they sighed and faced Claude again, bringing their knees to their chest and resting their head on their knees, somehow forgetting they were wearing a very short skirt and stockings. Claude looked away and kept his composure. The nekos tail was  moving from side to side across the desk slightly, that was until the felt a sharp pain in the middle of it, (Y/N) yowled and jumped of the desk and grabbed their tail, The Earl had somehow managed to lodge a green colouring pencil in the centre of their poofy black tail. (Y/N) pulled at the pencil and yelped at the pain as it came loose, Alois burst out laughing while (Y/N) whimpered and held their tail. The neko then removed their hand to see blood on painted across their hand.  Claude stared  at (Y/N) without saying a word watching them put pressure on the bleeding wound to stop the blood. Alois' laughter was cut off by a knock on the office door. 

"Come in" Alois said coldly as his glare  almost burned holes in the door, the door opened, and 3 triplets walked in, (Y/N) assumed they were the ones from earl Trancy's crass drawing. (Y/N) looked at them for a little too long to point where they didn't even realise Claude sightly glaring at them.  (Y/N) turned their gaze to Alois, the neko was still holding their tail and was silently crying in pain. 

"what is your reason for disturbing me?" Alois' cold tone still lingered in every word. The triplets whispered to each other, they were too far away for (Y/N)'s cat ears to pick up what they were saying. 

"Highness we're here to deliver  some news" The one whose hair went clockwise said.

"Earl Ruiz wishes to speak to you" The one whose hair was centred continued the  sentence, (Y/N)'s ears twitched while looking at the triplets.

"He's from Spain your highness " The one whose hair went counterclockwise finished, (Y/N)'s head perked up, they wondered what he wanted. 

Alois was quiet for a moment before speaking up "Patch the pets  stab wound up, I need to speak to Claude" Alois maintained his cold tone. "Neko! go with them" Alois pointed at (Y/N) , then the triplets, the triplets finally realised (Y/N) were in the room and slightly blushed as they looked at the neko up and down in their new "outfit." (Y/N) nodded and walked towards the trio, tightening their grip around their tail, their ears flat against their head.

The four silently walked down the east  hallway, the triplets stood in a semi-circle around the neko, whispering to each other, lewd comments about (Y/N)'s body travelled between the three identical boys, making the neko twitch in anger as they could hear perverted triplets, sometimes being a neko has its advantages. The one with centred hair noticed that (Y/N) had let go of their blood stained tail, and it now angrily swayed behind them as he stood directly behind the anger feline. 

"I think they can hear us" He whispered to the  other too,

"there is no way they can hear us" The one with counterclockwise hair whispered back, 

"I mean they do have cat ears" The one with clockwise hair said. 

" I can hear you" (Y/N) said in a relaxed manor, but internally they wanted to strangle the trio, they continued walking in silence, the triplets faces bright red with blush. They walked until they reached a door at the end of the east hallway that was situated just before the hallway turned left. The triplet with the clockwise  parted hair opened the door, holding it open, the triplet with centre parted hair carefully grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and lead them into the room, blush covering his face. The moderately sized  room appeared to be a medical  wing of some sort, it looked clean but unused, the room contained 3 small beds at the back of the room, similar to the one (Y/N) woke up in, The bare, beige walls were lined with cabinets containing basic medical supplies  including, Bandages, rubbing alcohol , varies medicines and remedies, at the back of the room behind the bed in the middle of the room  was a medium rectangular window, shinning natural light into the room, making the nekos face brighter. The Triplet with clockwise parted hair quietly ushered (Y/N) to the bed on the left, while the other siblings grabbed the supplies they needed. 

(Y/N) was now sat on the small bed purring and whimpering at the same time as the Triplets with Anticlockwise and clockwise hair treated the wound on the nekos tail. The triplet with the centre parted hair pet their ears for comfort, (Y/N) unconsciously gripped the triplets hand as the other two cautiously bandaged the wound. 

"So, what are your names?" (Y/N) asked, breaking the silence, the triplets looked up at the neko for a second before going back to what they were doing.

"Canterbury" the triplet with clockwise hair said his voice was emotionless.

"My names Thompson" the triplet with centre parted hair giggled from behind (Y/N).

"The names Timber" the triplet with anticlockwise parted hair smirked.

(Y/N) lightly hummed, still mad about the lewd comments that the Triplets tried to hide through their whispers.

"Thank you for helping me you three" (Y/N) lifted their tail from Timber and Canterbury's hands, wrapping it around themselves. The neko stood up  and walked out, gently closing the door behind them before the triplets could respond. Timber and Thompson looked at each other in confusion and Canterbury sighed looking at the door.

                       ~ End of chapter 14 ~

~Too many options~  (Black butler x Gender neutral Neko reader)Where stories live. Discover now