Love Notes

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Valentine's day was coming up in Japan. Keith and Lance walked to school, their hands in their pockets. Keith was the school's hot guy. He didn't realize what attention he was getting from boys and girls, and no one knew his sexuality. But Lance did. He's gay and that was that. Lance was his best friend, his comrade, his amigo. But no one knew Lance had huge feelings for his best friend. No one knew Keith liked Lance a lot and more than a best friend.

Keith walked up to his locker. He opened it and a mountain of love letters came out, falling to the ground. Lance rolled his eyes as Keith picked up the letters and boys and girls spied on him. Keith looked at each letter one by one, but was really interested in the ones obviously by boys. But none of them were from Lance. He picked up one letter and opened it.

                                 𝓜𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓶𝓮 𝓪𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓻𝓪 𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓵 𝓪𝓽 3:00

                                                                     -𝓼𝓮𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓽 𝓪𝓭𝓶𝓲𝓻𝓮𝓻

Keith looked up at Lance who was glancing at the floor and kicking a nearby rock. "Hey Lance? Can you help me read this? I-uh-can't really read cursive." Lance looked up and snatched the paper mumbling 'can't read cursive my ass'. Keith giggled as Lance was obviously jealous. Keith hoped that he was. The group of girls and boys had left for the bell and they were on their way to history class. Lance read the note along the way. "Meet me at the Sakura tree behind the school at 3:00 from secret admirer. Y-You're not actually going, are you?" Keith shrugged,"Maybe I don't know." Lance's eyes widened, so Keith decided to clam him down. "I gotta at least listen before I reject them." Lance breathed a sigh of relief only he heard."Oh okay then...."

After school, Lance walked to his locker, passing by the group of girls and guys huddled at the Sakura tree. They seemed to be arguing. Lance opened his locker and a single love letter flew out. Lance picked it up from the ground and opened it.

             Meet me at the side of the school by the small Sakura tree at 3:00

It didn't say who it was from, but Lance's heart was pounding in his ears. The person wrote it in red ink. Keith wrote in red ink. Sure, other students probably did too but Lance couldn't help but get a little hopeful. He ran by the side of the school. The school had multiple Sakura trees all around the court, but the one behind the school was the biggest and there was a myth that whoever confessed to their crush under that tree, their feelings would be accepted. But that tree was littered with admirers of Keith. They were arguing over a thing they always argued about.

Lance snickered as he ran to the side of the school. When he got there his heartbeat slowed down a bit. Then raced back up again as he saw Keith waiting. His hair and school jacket was billowing in the soft, cool breeze. Lance's face was flushed and his hands were sweating. "Hey man!" Lance said surprised at how calm he sounded. He was nowhere near actually calm. Keith turned to face Lance, red dusting his cheeks. "Hey Lance!" Keith smiled warmly. Lance's heart skipped a beat."D-Did you call me here?" Lance took a step closer to Keith, but they were still sorta far. "Y-Yeah, there's something I've been meaning to tell you...for a long time actually."

Lance took another step forward. Just one.

"I-okay-you've always been my best friend and you've always been there for me. During the good and bad times."


"You really make me happy and brighten my day with your smile and laughter," Keith looked at the small sakura tree warmly, a truly loving smile plastered on his face.


" You make me happier than anyone has ever made me."


"I guess what I'm trying to say is-well uh- I really don't know how to do this-" Keith stuttered, his face clearly embarrassed as he tried to hide his face with his hands.

"You don't have too." Lance reached out and grabbed Keith's hands. He pulled him by the waist and kissed him softly. Keith was clearly surprised but kissed back, closing his eyes. When they pulled away, Keith leaned into Lance's touch, resting his head against his chest covering his red face. He could hear Lance's pounding heartbeat. "Cute. You're flustered." Keith pouted and looked up at Lance."Shut up, it took me a lot to say that." Lance smiled and shook his head."You didn't actually say it." Keith leaned up and pressed his lips onto Lance's own. "I like you Lance McClain...a lot." Lance grinned and kissed him again. Finally.

It was the day after Valentines's day in Japan. Keith and Lance walked into school, their hands intertwined. The group of girls and boys from the day before pouted because, not only was their crush in a relationship now, but they waited for three hours for him to show up at the Sakura tree. Lance and Keith held hands proudly. They had different classes. Lance raised Keith's hand and kissed his knuckles, something he always wanted to do. "See you later, Samurai. I love you." Keith blushed and scoffed, turning his red face away. "See you later, Sharpshooter. I love you too."

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