Valentine Friends

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I don't know anything about Romance...I'm a single pringle so don't kill me and i'm a freaking bookworm -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Keith layed by the side of his bed, while he room mate and best friend layed on it. It was Valentine's day and the two losers sat hopelessly single. Lance really wanted to ask Keith out, so he did it indirectly. "Hey Keith! I just had an idea!" Keith sighed and lowered his phone,"What is it."

"We are both without a date. Well, I can see you, but I don't know how that happened to me." Keith rolled his eyes,"So?"

"Sooo, Why don't we spend our time together, as friends of course, today?" Keith raised his eyebrow and turned off his phone, facing Lance. "Like a couple would?" Lance nodded,"What do ya say? Good idea, I know." Keith sighed and crossed his arms, blushing. He definitely would say yes, but didn't want to look desperate. "Just friends?" Lance rolled his eyes,"Duh." Of course, he didn't consider it like that but he wanted to ask Keith out without him getting supposedly mad. "Fine, you realize we'll be acting like a couple right?."  "Yup!"

Lance out his phone down. "So what do couples do on Valentine's day?" Keith shrugged,"I've never been in a relationship before." Lance rolled his eyes,"Romantic movies! We have to watch at least like 10. I have sooo many in mind." Keith got up and went to the couch, turning on the TV. "You seem excited to be in a supposed relationship me." Keith panicked."We're watching what I you know any romantic movies." Lance sighed and snatched the remote from Keith's hands. "We're watching an oldie, Pride and Prejudice." 

"The fuck is that." Lance gaped at him,"How do you not know what Pride and Prejudice is? It's a novel written by Jane Austen and it's been adapted into a lot of movies. We're watching this one because it's not your cliched romance movie where it's love at first sight." Keith sighed and sat down as Lance put the series on BBC. After the movie, Keith was almost in tears. "That.Was. Beautiful." Lance smirked," I know right?! Elizabeth is the best female and her character development!" Keith nodded,"What now?"

"Sense and Sensibility"



It was around lunch time and the boys watched a lot of classic romance movies from old books.(I told you). Keith sighed,"We've seen so many movies, my head's spinning. What now?" Lance stood up and played with his keys,"Wanna go for a ride?" Keith sighed and got up, adjusting his sweater,"Where to?" "The arcade." Keith smiled like a 5 year old and ran to the car. Lance chuckled and grabbed his jacket. They drove to the arcade, playing a ton of games and winning prizes. "I bet I'm the better dancer." "You're on."

Okay, maybe a bit of a friendly rivalry.

It was about 7:00 pm, and the boys forgot to eat. Lance whined a lot, walking out of the arcade. "I'm hungryyyyy." Keith rolled his eyes,"Should've thought of that before, dumbass." Lance smirked,"Let's go somewhere." Keith pulled out his phone," Okay, what do you want dine-in or takeout-"

"Apappapapa, no." Lance grabbed Keith's phone and put it in his pocket. "We are going somewhere nice, but their apparel has to be something formal." Keith raised his hands in exasperation,"I don't have anything nice!" Lance tsked and grabbed Keith's hand, pulling his to the car. "That's why we are picking up our suits."

Lance drove them both to a tailor shop and were greeted with a man with a strange accent and a wonderful moustache. "Lance! My boy, you are just in time! I just finished ironing the suits, come in, come in!" The man's name was Coran and he owned the tailor shop. Lance had planned this and called Coran to help him out a bit. Coran shoved the boys in their own dressing rooms.

Lance walked out with a navy blue jacket and pants, and a light blue collar shirt that was un-buttoned at the top. "Lance, you look amazing! Keith, you done yet?" Keith nervously walked out of the dressing room. He was blushing and his arms were crossed. He wore what Lance wore, but his suit was black with a red shirt. Lance smiled, his face equally red. "Let's go, I made reservations."

After their delicious dinner, Lance kicked the door to their dorm room open and plopped on the couch. Keith sat down and started taking off his jacket. "Nooonononono, we have one more thing to do." Keith gave Lance a questioning look. "What do you mean?" Lance smiled,"We have one more thing that couples do. Dancing and we have the perfect clothing." Keith stuttered,"W-What!? I can't dance!!" Lance rolled his eyes and pulled Keith into his arms."I'll teach you."

Lance turned on classical music...somehow. Keith's face was redder than his shirt. Lance smirked and led him to the music. Surprisingly enough, Keith was a natural. He never stepped on Lance and he seemed to be having fun. "This is...interesting." Keith said, looking at Lance in the eyes. Lance's eyes shimmered with excitement. "I know right! I'm having a lot of fun." Lance smiled drifted off as he was lost in Keith's eyes. They were always special. A violet color and it seemed to have stars in them, like a galaxy. Keith himself was wandering in Lance's blue orbs. They reminded him of the deep ocean, yet also like a delicate sapphire. Lance felt a force pushing his closer to Keith, and he gazed at his lips. Keith smirked as Lance closed his eyes in embarrassment."God damn it, Keith." Keith wrapped his arms around Lance's neck. "Something the matter?" Lance smiled, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "No, not at all."


Lance rolled his eyes and kissed Keith, who immediately kissed back. When they pulled apart, Keith smirked,"Just friends, huh?"

"Shut up, you adorable idiot. Wanna watch another movie with me?"


They didn't really watch the movie.


Happy Valentine's day Guys and Girls and EVERYONE!!!! Remember that I love you all so so much! Thank you for reading my story and have a great rest of your day/night/evening/morning.

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