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The sun was shining brightly through the window of Y/N's small cabin. She turned around, trying to blend out the fact that she had to get up pretty much right now, and pretended she was still asleep. But it was no use. Today's work wouldn't do itself.

With a sigh, she kicked back the woollen blanket that was covering her and slowly got up, stretching her arms, as she climbed out of bed. Why did the sun have to rise so early in summer? Well, at least it meant more time of being safe from monsters that only came out in the dark.

Y/N quickly put on her clothes and grabbed a loaf of bread, before she left the house. She was living close to a clearing in L'Manberg where she kept her sheep, which usually meant she had enough time on the way there to have some breakfast. Plus, in the mornings there was usually a light, cool breeze which made the walk to her clearing more pleasant. She couldn't stand the summer heat.

Y/N took a deep breath, taking in the fresh morning air, before she called out to her dog Gwen. It didn't take long until she came running, tail wagging and about to jump up on Y/N. She smiled and happily petted her, before heading off through the small forest towards the clearing.

Another thing that was nice about her work was that she only met a few people now and then. She liked having a bit of solitude every now and then, especially on a nice day like this. And especially with all the stress of the campaigns. Y/N wasn't even sure why Wilbur had to hold that election.

Sure, she got the concept of him wanting to have some legitimate authority over L'Manberg, but people still liked him. No one had really said that there was any issue with him taking over L'Manberg, but well. She had known Wilbur for a long time and sometimes it was just easier to let him do his thing, so he'd be happy. After all, she didn't really doubt that Wilbur would get elected.

After all, who else was there? There were Fundy and Niki, and while everyone liked them, they were reserved and laid back, whereas Wilbur and Tommy seemed more like leaders. They were good at motivating people, especially Wilbur. There were Quackity and George, but Quackity wasn't actually part of L'Manburg and George was on Dream's side, so Y/N doubted they'd have much of a chance.

And then there was Schlatt. Schlatt seemed to be kind of a wildcard here. It was difficult to tell how people felt about him, but he seemed to be ambitious. Y/N wasn't sure whether she liked that or not. Anyway, he had only announced running for president a while ago, so she doubted he'd garner that much support in such a short time. It had to be Wilbur and Tommy, right?

Y/N sighed and shook her head. There was no point thinking about it now. It wasn't much longer until the election. Just a few days. Then they'd know for real and all would be good and maybe... well, maybe her best friend would actually be the elected president of L'Manberg.

Y/N let her eyes wander over the clearing and her small herd of sheep. They wouldn't need to be shorn for a while, but it seemed like they were all doing fine. She started walking a round around the clearing, so she could make sure that everything was really fine, that none of the sheep were hurt or missing and that they all still had enough food and water. But everything seemed to be perfectly fine and in order.

The sun was climbing higher when Y/N was done doing her round, so she sat down under one of the trees, hoping to get some shade and maybe have a little piece and quiet. She'd love to take a nap, but that wouldn't be a good idea. Most monsters wouldn't show themselves out in the daylight, but she could never be sure. Plus, there were always other people to be aware of.

On quiet days like today Y/N was glad to have Gwen by her side. She'd always alert her if there was someone nearby, which meant that she could relax a little more and didn't need to be on her guard as much as she would have to be without Gwen around. She leaned back against the tree trunk and closed her eyes for a little bit and just in that moment she noticed Gwen getting uneasy.

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