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When Y/N had woken up this morning, she wasn't really sure whether all of this was a dream or not. Maybe it was just some nightmare. But then she saw the clothes she had laid out before she had gone to sleep. All of this had actually happened. They had lost the election. Schlatt had won.

Tommy was exiled. Wilbur was exiled. They wouldn't be allowed inside the city walls. And she would be expected at Schlatt's office and would have to work as his personal assistant. Whatever the hell that meant. Y/N had no idea why he had picked her for the job. She made a living as a shepherd, for crying out loud. She never had anything to do with administration work.

She figured it had probably something to do with getting back at Wilbur somehow. Everyone knew that her and Wilbur were kind of a thing. Y/N was sure that Schlatt had heard, too. Of course he'd try to keep her close and keep her busy. She was the most likely to join Wilbur and Tommy, wasn't she? And she would join them, there was no question about that, once she figured out a way to safely do that. And that was probably what Schlatt was trying to prevent.

But Y/N was sure that whatever was going to happen... Wilbur would still trust her, right? If only she knew where the hell they were... And she didn't even know who she could ask about it, because everyone who was close to the two of them was somehow working for Schlatt now.

Maybe this was what he had been planning all along. Dividing them and playing them against each other. And Y/N could already see that it was working when she passed Niki in the morning and only got a cold glance from her. Fundy seemed distant, as well, which was weird, because he seemed pretty keen on working with Schlatt. Y/N had no idea what was going on.

All she knew was that right now... right now she was alone. She didn't know who trusted her and who she could trust. Everything had just changed over night and she was completely lost. The only thing she knew right now was that she had to show up in Schlatt's office right about now.

Standing in front of the door, she took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, before she knocked at the door. She was perfectly on time and had no reason to be nervous, other than... well, other than the fact that she was about to work for the man that had exiled her boyfriend.

"Come in." she heard his voice from inside the office. She opened the door and looked up to see him sitting at his desk, sorting out some papers and smoking a cigar. Quackity was standing behind him, a self-satisfied grin on his face.

"Mr President?" Y/N greeted him, not sure what the right way to address him was. She wasn't cut out for this job. She couldn't do it. She'd just have to get through this day and then she could tell him that she couldn't do it...

"Ah, Y/N, good to see you. And just on time. See, Quackity? At least someone around here knows what being punctual means." Schlatt commented and got up from behind his desk. Y/N kept his eyes on him, expecting him to throw her out of L'Manberg any second, just like Wilbur and Tommy.

"Come on, there'll be another speech. We're having big plans for today, so let's go." he said and passed her, heading out of the door with Quackity following him. Y/N was dumbfounded. She wasn't sure what she had expected, but this went way smoother than she would have thought.

"This'll be great..." Quackity commented and chuckled. Y/N followed them wordlessly. She felt like whatever was happening wasn't even real, as if this was all happening in some weird other world that she wasn't really a part of. Sure, she could go and run right now. But where would she even go? She had no idea where Wilbur or Tommy were, she had no idea what was happening and what their plan was.

And she also had no idea who to ask. Her go-to person would have been Niki, but with the way she had been looking at Y/N this morning... Maybe Tubbo? But Tubbo had an important job... what if he would rat her out to Schlatt? If she was being honest, after everything that happened, she was terrified of him.
But right now wasn't really the time to think about that. Right now she had to focus on making it through the day somehow. They had finally gotten to the podium with Quackity and her standing a little behind Schlatt. It felt weird to stand up here and behind Schlatt, as someone working for him. And of course everyone would see her up there. Tubbo, Fundy, Niki - everyone would think that she was on his side, wouldn't they? No matter what way she looked at it, she was on her own.

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