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Y/N really hadn't expected Quackity standing at her door the next morning, looking nervous and obviously waiting for her. She had suspected a trap at first, but Quackity really didn't look like he was even in the right mindset to be going through with a trap. He looked absolutely terrified.

"What do you want?" Y/N asked him.

"Can we talk real quick?" Quackity asked, making his way into her room. Well, actually it was Schlatt's room, but since the rule for her was that she was living here now, she figured it was just as much her own room.

"Sure, but it has to be quick. Schlatt's been saying several times that I shouldn't be late today. Something important, apparently." Y/N replied, rolling her eyes. Quackity nodded and gestured for her to close the door. What the hell was going on here? Y/N really didn't like how nervous he was.

Quackity was literally never nervous, but he looked like he wasn't sure about things anymore yesterday already. And if Quackity wasn't sure... well, that meant things were bad, weren't they?

"Yeah, that... that important thing is what I wanted to talk about. Something happened." Quackity said, rubbing the back of his neck. Y/N sighed. Great. Something happened and Quackity was feeling bad about it? That couldn't mean anything good. What the hell had he done?

"Well, let's get it over with. What did you do?" Y/N wanted to know. Quackity sighed and nervously brushed a few strands of hair out of his face.

"Okay, okay, so here's the thing. You know I was talking to Niki last night, right?" he asked her.

"Yeah... and? Did something happen to Niki? Please don't tell me anything happened to her." Y/N said. Shit, Niki already hated her. If this important thing was about her, then... no fucking way.

"Well, not yet. See, we talked and she was really upset and I was kind of being an idiot, which really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, and..."

"Oh God, what did you do, Quackity?"

"She got upset. She attacked me. And Schlatt somehow saw it or heard of it or I don't know. Anyway, he got wind of it and he wants to go off and throw her in prison. He's put her under house arrest already and like... I feel really bad, because she didn't mean it and no one was really hurt and... I don't know what to do." Quackity said. He looked like he was about to despair.

"Shit. So Niki's in danger? And what do you want me to do about it? Schlatt barely ever leaves me alone. He's always around somehow, somewhere. I can't do anything to help you, even if I wanted to!" Y/N replied.

"I know, I know... just... I need to get her out, but there's not a lot of time, before Schlatt's going over there to get her to prison, you know?" Quackity said with a nervous smile on his face. Y/N raised her eyebrows.

"You want me to distract him?"

"Yeah! Just to buy a little more time, you know?"

"I don't know, Quackity, I mean... who knows whether it'll even work. I don't think he likes me very much..."

Quackity looked at her as if she had just said the most blasphemous thing in the world. But it was true, wasn't it? She didn't think that Schlatt liked her a whole lot. Sure, he liked to fuck her (and she was honestly enjoying it, too). But she figured that it was more some sort of power trip he was on. He had taken Wilbur's country, his home, his friends, everything. It made sense for him to take Wilbur's girlfriend, too, didn't it?

"Are you kidding me? Schlatt lets you stay in this room on your own. This guy is crazy about you." Quackity replied. Y/N scoffed. Crazy about her? That was the biggest bullshit she had ever heard.

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