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The week until the festival had passed quickly and Y/N was glad that it had gone by this fast, because Schlatt's mood basically was like an entire fucking rollercoaster. Y/N felt like she was walking on eggshells around him during the last week, but then there were some times when he was really sweet and agreeable. It was probably the stress getting to him, that was at least what Y/N told herself.

So everything should get better again after tonight, right? They'd have the festival and they'd all go back to normal and maybe Schlatt wouldn't behave as erratic anymore. That was what Y/N hoped for, but she knew that the chances for that were very slim. Schlatt was getting more paranoid by the minute.

But right now he was thankfully busy enough with the festival. Y/N was surprisingly enjoying herself, even though the thought of everyone being at the festival had made her nervous for days on end. She knew what they all must be thinking of her, but she had been sticking to Fundy, Quackity, Tubbo and Technoblade throughout the day and it wasn't as bad as she thought after all.

She had just been getting some food with Quackity, so she wouldn't be hungry during Tubbo's speech when he started staring off into the distance. He looked almost spooked and that was something rare for Quackity. Y/N looked into the direction Quackity was looking, but she couldn't see anything weird.

"What's wrong, big Q?" she wanted to know. Quackity blinked and glanced at her, before nodding up ahead.

"I could have sworn, I just saw Tubbo disappear right there..." he muttered. Y/N raised an eyebrow. She knew that Tubbo was often going back and forth between Manberg and Wilbur's and Tommy's hideout, but... why would he be stupid enough to do it in the middle of the festival? Was something up? Was something going to happen? Or was Quackity just mistaken?

"Are you sure?" Y/N asked. Quackity shrugged.

"Come on, let's go and check it out. This is really weird to me." he replied and walked towards the direction he had seen Tubbo disappear in. Y/N wasn't sure what to do. Would she try and stall him? But then again... Tubbo was probably long gone, so there was no point to that...

She decided to just follow him and see what was going on. Tubbo was usually very careful with his visits to Pogtopia, so Y/N was sure they wouldn't find anything. And then it would probably be easy to convince Quackity that he had only imagined everything and to keep on partying.

"This is so weird... there is nothing! I could have sworn, I just saw some type of door right here and Tubbo disappeared right into it. I saw him here and he's not here. So where the fuck did he go?"

"I don't know, Q, maybe you're just imagining things..."

"No, no, no. I know what I've seen."

"Well, the last week has been really stressful, maybe your eyes were playing a trick on you or something..."

"Maybe... You know what? Let's ask Schlatt if he has seen Tubbo around. He must be around if he didn't disappear, right?" Quackity asked and made his way back through the festival area.

"Seriously? Don't you think he might be a little busy for that?" Y/N protested, but followed him. She had a bad feeling about this, but what could she do? Anything she would do, would basically out her as a traitor. She'd be killed. Or exiled. And if she was exiled, she didn't know where to go, because she really wasn't sure whether it would be a good idea for her to join Pogtopia.

It didn't take very long to find Schlatt, as he was sitting back, watching everything going on. He looked pretty peaceful just at that moment and it made Y/N smile. Him being calm and seemingly happy... well, it meant he was in a good mood and that meant that he probably wouldn't snap at her for no reason.

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