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Y/N had no idea what time it was when she woke up. The sun had already risen and she was alone. It took her a while to realize where she was, but once she had figured it all out, everything that happened came back to her in an instant. She had never felt this guilty before.

What the fuck had she done? What the fuck had happened? Here she was, waking up in Schlatt's personal room. Maybe Wilbur was right not to trust her - after all, she had just gone and cheated on him. She wasn't even sure whether she had wanted this or not. Sure, she was terrified.

At first. But then... well, fuck, she had felt completely alone the last few days and after seeing Wilbur again and him flat out telling her he wasn't sure whether he could trust her anymore... it was just nice to be with someone. Even if that was Schlatt. And now... now she felt more alone than ever.

Y/N sighed and sat up, rubbing the back of her neck and stretching. She wasn't even sure what she was supposed to do. She looked around the room, taking in every little detail - not that there were a lot of those. It seemed like Schlatt didn't have a lot of unnecessary stuff. Or he just hadn't moved it into this place yet.

Y/N wrapped the blanket around her shoulders, before standing up and moving through the cold room. There was a weird bundle on the desk and as Y/N approached it, she saw a note with it.

Go take a shower and get dressed, meet me in the office when you're done. I had some proper clothes made for you. Don't even think about trying to find those two again. I'll know if you run off. And close the door behind you. - S.

Y/N groaned and crumbled up the note, tossing it aside. She glanced down at the clothes. It just looked like some formal clothes, really. She wasn't sure what she had expected, but this was sure a relief. What was this bullshit about not going anywhere else? She had a house and she needed to take care of it. She needed to take care of her dog and of her sheep. How did he think this would work?

Well, she'd have to think about that later. Taking a shower actually sounded great right now and she was glad that she basically had Schlatt's permission to use his shower. Maybe she should use up all the hot water, just out of spite. But then again she couldn't be bothered. She felt horrible enough already.

Once Y/N made her way into the bathroom, she was faced with a mirror hanging over the sink. She stopped in her tracks when she saw herself in the mirror. Oh no. Oh no, no, no. This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all. Her entire neck was covered in dark, purple hickeys. Shit.

She had no way of hiding those. And she was bound to see people around L'Manberg, even if it was just Quackity. He'd be bad enough on his own. Y/N already knew she wouldn't hear the end of it, ever. But what she was worried about was anyone else seeing them. They'd all know.

They'd all know that she was the worst kind of traitor and she'd have no way of hiding it, because... well, everyone could see those hickeys. And everyone knew that Wilbur wasn't around L'Manberg anymore. Y/N started to panic thinking about it while she took her shower and she was still panicking about it when she got ready to go out and when she saw herself in the mirror again.

There was nothing else she could do. Maybe she'd be lucky and she wouldn't meet anyone while she made her way to Schlatt's office. And then when she had to go outside, she could maybe wear a scarf or so-


Y/N looked up, the panic inside her immediately rising again. She wasn't even sure who she was expecting or who she was hoping for, but of course it was Quackity. Who else would be walking around outside Schlatt's room?

"What?" she asked, trying to act as if everything was normal, but it was absolutely no use. Quackity's eyes wandered from the door she had just closed behind her (at least she had remembered that) to her neck and back and his grin just grew wider and wider. It was hopeless.

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