Talons Of Peace

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(Finally! An Update! I wrote a bunch of chapters but I will pause in between each post. These chapters will be much longer. )

*This Chapter has mentions of grinding*

Clays POV.

Clay walked into homeroom, with Peril on his arm. Glory trailed behind them with a glare. They all walked in and Clay took note of who all was in their homeroom. There was Clay, Peril, Glory, Deathbringer, Carnelian, Sora, Marsh, a new kid named Sky, and others Clay didnt know.

"Oh lord." Glory cowered behind Clay

Peril glowered and stood in front of Glory.

Deathbringer approached them

"Hey, um, I was kinda, um, wondering if could, ergh, Glory to talk. Uh I meant..."

He rubbed his arm. Glory stepped out from behind Clay and rolled her eyes.

"Stop stutter you idiot. I'll talk to you, but remember, I have Peril and Clay looking out for me." She looked at Clay and Peril.

Peril looked threatening while didnt get the message right away.
Oh wait.
Clay put on a mean face.

"Oh lord," Glory face palmed and walked away.

"Oh Clay," Peril grinned at him

"What?" Clay puzzled, "what did I do?"

Peril didnt answer and walked him to their seats

"Hi Clay!" His little brother waved.

Clay waved back as Glory scrambled to sit on his other side.

"What was that about?" Clay asked.

Glory sighed.

"He said he was sorry for trying to kiss me and... grind on me."

She shuddered.

"He said 'it was a dare, I didnt mean to, I was drunk, and I was respecting your privacy'."

"Until he didn't," Clay pointed out.

"That's what I said!" Glory waved her arms as Kestrel entered the room.

Everyone scattered to there seats as Clay and Glory face the front.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Kestrel. I dont care what you do, as long as I cant here you from the teacher lounge and you dont attract the attention of other teachers."

She started to leave, but stopped.

"Oh and Glory and Clay, meet in Nautilus' office offer school."

Then she left.

And chaos began.

Kids started throwing things. Clay looked over his shoulder to see Sky standing in the corner. He looks like Peril but much paler. Clay walked up to him

"Hey, you ok? "

He looked up, "Yeah I'm fine, but the bell will ring soo-"

He was cut off by the bell ringing.

Glory walked up to Clay.

"Guess we should go."

Clay nodded and they walked to their impending doom.

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