Welcome Back Pyrriha Dragons!

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Sunny's POV


Sunny startled awake from the sound of her alarm. She almost crawled back under the cover. She then remembered why her alarm was going off.

"Oh no! The told the others to meet me at The Outclaw Cafe!", She exclaimed

Sunny scrambled out of bed and  stumbled to her closet. She looked thoughtfully at her closet and found the perfect outfit. She threw on an off-the-shoulder yellow oversized sweater, some tight black leggings, and her brown boots.

"Sunny! Glory's here!", Thorn called.

Sunny answered, " I'm on my way!"

Sunny grabbed her bag, her phone, and took off down the stairs. She went to the kitchen and grabbed a piece of toast off her mother's plate.

"Hey! That was mine!" Thorn yelped.

"Sorry mom I have to go," Sunny mumbled, her mouth full.

On the way out Sunny tried to put her hair up in her signature space buns.

"Just get in and worry on the way!" Glory yelled from her splatter painted Jeep.

Sunny gave up on her hair and practically launched herself into the vehicle.

"Let's go!" She said.

And they were off.

So sorry this is a short chapter. I just needed to get the story out. I promise the other chapters will be longer.

X- the author-X

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