Animus LLC.

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Starflight's POV

Tap. Tap. Tap
Starflight continued to tap on the table, each tap making Tsunami flinch.

"Will you stop that tapping! Geez..."she snapped.

Starflight stopped and looked at Clay who was distracted too, but not because Glory and Sunny were late. He looked from the cafe's menu to the clock just as it hit 7:30. He frantically began to wave his big, tan arms around.

"Clay," Starflight hissed, clearly embarrassed, "what are you doing!"

"Trying to get Kindle's attention" Clay replied.

Kindle was one of the waitress at The Outclaw cafe and Six-claw's, the owner, wife. She saw Clay's arms and ran over.

"Hey gang! Where's Sunny?" Kindle frowned.

I dont know thought Starflight, maybe shes dead or hurt or- His thoughts were cut off by Sunny and Glory walking through the door.

"Where were you? Yall are 10 minutes late!" Tsunami growled

"Well we could've been here 8 minutes ago if someone," Glory glared at Sunny, " didn't insist we go to the pet shelter."

"Well I need to tell them I'm not going to be there after school," Sunny sat down next to Clay as Kindle brought their usuals over.

"Why?" asked Starflight, pushing his glasses up. He was genuinely curious and not because he still liked Sunny a lot. No not the reason AT ALL.

Tsunami snorted and while Glory almost choked on her coffee. They were the only ones who knew he still liked Sunny.

Sunny didnt notice and responded,
"Well we decided to visit my father," Sunny's father was in the hospital because the company he worked for, Animus LLC, had him in top of a stone structure and he fell. Now he's in a body cast.
Sunny continued, "and I have to babysit Bumblebee for Katydid in Pantala" Pantala is the neighboring city next door. Katydid has two daughters. Cricket who is a freshman at Pantala Prep Academy and Bumblebee.

"How fun," said Clay "me and my family are going out to eat tonight," he continued to stuff his face.

"Tsunami and I have to go to one of those state dinners," Glory sighed. Her grandmother and Tsunami's mother, Coral, are on the city council with Thorn as mayor. The two girls have to go because Grandeur wants Glory the next councilwoman for their neighborhood and Coral is very protective. Her eldest daughter, Orca, committed suicide and her other children were miscarriages. So she keeps her 4 children very close at all times.

Starflight looked at his watch, "we should probably get going"

Tsunami jumped up from her chair. "I call shotgun!"

Starflight groaned. Clay's truck only has two seats as does Glorys Jeep so he had to ride with his older sister, Fierceteeth, on her motorcycle. Starflight is 99% sure she stole the boots shes wearing. He sighed and hopped on as she walked out and gave him a look.

" oh dear" Starflight mumbled and hung on for dear life.

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