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(I really dont have an excuse this time)

Sunny walked into Nautilus' office.

"Welcome!" Said the older man. "We were wondering if you, very popular seniors, would join our Peace Club!"

"We?" Tsunami walked in with Starflight.

"Yes! Avalanche, co-teacher, my son, Squid, and..."

An 'edgy' green haired boy stepped out of the shadows.  Along with...

"Riptide!" Tsunami ran over and jumped on him.

"Woah, calm down Tsunami", Glory called.

Sunny bounded over to her and a tall lanky boy stepped in front of her.

Sunny glared and confronted him.

"Hey! Get out of here Deathbringer! Cant you take no for an answer?"

Glory pushed forward.

"Sunny, may I speak to you?"

Glory pulled Sunny aside

"What are you doing?"

Sunny deflated.

"But... I though-"

Sunny was cut of by Avalanche

"Hey! We weren't done yet!"

Clay spoke up.

"Are there more members?"

"Yes we have one more.
His name is Meerkat."

As soon as Meerkat stepped out of the shawdows, Sunny realized that he was HOT. He seemed nice, but he was really hot.

"Hey." He looked into Sunnys eyes.

Oh and his voice is hot too, thought Sunny.

She was so 'in love', she failed to notice that Starflight was glaring at him.

She snapped out of her daze when her phone buzzed.

She checked it.

She looked up apologetically, "Sorry, but my mom needs me."

Avalanche stopped her.


"Because Thorn and her are going to the hospital," said Starflight, standing up for her.

Sunny grinned, nodding.

"Could I walk her to her car Nautilus?" Meerkat asked

"Sure," he sighed, "I guess your all dismissed. But think about it, ok?"

Sunny nodded. Meerkat offered his arm to her

"May I?"

She giggled. "Sure."

They walked outside.

Sunny groaned.

"She told me she would pick me up."

"Hey," Meerkat turned her faced.

Sunny looked into his eyes and relaxed. She gave him a look. He closed his eyes and leaned in. She got on to her tippy toes and did the same. Their lips met. It was a warm and tender kiss.

It was Sunny's first kiss.

He broke away and Sunny was kinda disappointed.

"Here." Meerkat handed her a piece of paper.
With his number.

"Call me"

He walked back inside

Sunny stared dreamily at his back.

Thorn pulled up.

"Sorry Beatle."

Sunny didnt turn.


"Huh? Oh, sorry." She hopped in the car as it started to rain.

She didnt realize she forgot her stuff.

Thanks for 400 reads!

I'm trying, to post, but it's hard.

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