You Know Who

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Glory's POV

Glory pulled up in the school parking lot, Dont Lose Your Head from SIX blasting on the aux.

"Dont lose your head!" Sunny sang

"I dont see how you like this stuff. Honestly just watch Dear Evan Hansen with me and you'll change your mind." Glory said turning the Jeep off.

"If Starflight was here he would argue that Hamilton is better," laughed Sunny.

"I kinda like Be More Chill," said Tsunami, sneaking up on them.

Glory scoffed, "yeah because you've seen it. You should at least listen to all of the songs instead of listening to just Micheal in The Bathroom."

"Sunny is right though, Hamilton is the best" Starflight popped up

"AHHH!" Sunny screamed, "how long have you been here?"

"The whole time. "He shrugged, I'm pretty sure Fierceteeth was breaking the speed limit"

"When does she not?" retorted Glory

"You guys," Clay popped out of his truck, "let's go before we're late."

Glory adjusted herself in the mirror and hopped out with Sunny following her

"Dont look now but here comes "You Know Who" whispered Tsunami.

No thought Glory not him he cant be here. I thought he was gonna be homeschooled. She froze up as he approached.

"Hello gorgeous" he said softly in her ear.

Glory shivered.

"I thought I told you to stay away, Deathbringer" Glory gritted her teeth.

"But I cant, my queen"

"Yes you can."

"M'lady, my princess, m-."

She cut him off, "no not after what you did to me, not after...that."

"But I thought you forgave me?"

"How can I forgive when you tried to..." she trailed off, crying.

"Stay away or else," threated Tsunami.

They started to walk away toward the school. Sunny stopped the group.

"Are you okay." Her brow furrowed.

"Yeah," Glory sniffled "just... take me to the nearest bathroom. I'll see you guys later," she said to Clay and Starflight.

"Yeah," Clay lowered his head.

Glory walked inside. I swear if Deathbringer is in any of my classes, she thought furiously, and he tries to do anything, I'll kill him.
He will die.

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