Glory in the Bathroom

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Tsunami's POV

"Ugh," Tsunami was sitting on the sink, "I cant believe he tried to talk to you."

"Me neither. Especially because I specifically told him to stay away!"
Glory emphasized the last word and slammed her hands on the sink.

Sunny grabbed her hands, "whoa calm down a bit there. At least hes a year older than you."

"No," Tsunami gritted her teeth, "dont you remember? He was held back."

"Yea but hes not trying to follow you around and perking up when you talk." Sunny sighed.

Tsunami gave her a weird look. Glory look up from the sink

"You know about that, huh?"

"Yeah. But I dont like him, Fatespeaker does. Why cant he pick up signals?" Sunny was getting frustrated too. "And you, Tsunami. You dont have a single boy problem."

Yeah shes right, thought Tsunami, Me and Riptide are pretty happy. Riptide was Tsunami's boyfriend and captain of the swim team.

"Hey." Their friend, Peril, walked into the bathroom, holding papers. "Are you ok?"

Glory glared at Peril and rolled her eyes
"Yes I'm fine."

Tsunami looked from Glory to Peril and sighed. Glory didnt like Peril and neither did Tsunami but she was dating Clay so Tsunami put up with her. There was this one time when Clay was bit by a snake and Peril took him to the hospital. Glory couldn't accept the fact that she was here to stay.

"Hey Peril," Sunny perked up, "how are you?"

"Eh," she replied, "fine I guess. Oh, here's your schedules." She handed them each a piece of paper.

"I have Kestrel for homeroom. Hurray." Glory sniffed

"Me too!" Replied Peril enthusiastically, "what about you two?"

"Dune." Sunny said monotone.

"Webs." Tsunami grimaced. Webs was Riptides father and the same man who 'convinced' Coral the send her to that boarding school.

"I'll ask the boys." Tsunami whipped out her phone and started texting Clay and Starflight.

A little bit later they replied. "Starflight has Webs and Clay has Kestrel."

Peril started to turn red, "oh cool."

"We should probably get going. I have to get to gym." Tsunami grabbed her bag.

"Shoot," Sunny said, "I have history with Webs."

"I'm not going." Glory stayed put.

"What's your first period?"

"Art with Magnificent."

"Ouch," Peril winced, "I have English with Coral."

Tsunami grabbed Glory's arm, "let's go."

So the girls finally went to their first period off senior year.

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