Put to Ease

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It was difficult to see, the forest pitch black. A very slight breeze ruffled the leaves and needles of the canopy of leaves that hung overhead. The full moon was the only thing lighting the path; a small trail that seemed to have been traveled upon for many trip, though it was oddly unmarked by a sign or name. Ellie's tiny feet pattered along the dirt, her bare legs being brushed by overgrown weeds and grasses. Every part of her brain told her to turn around, to go home and crawl back into bed with her mom, though her heart told her to press on wards, that, if she continued, she'd find the answers that she and so many others desperately craved.

For only being the fragile age of seven, her mind was very mature. She could read and understand most of the news papers that she had found in the school library, where she had spent every evening since her big brother disappeared. As she walked, the words of the curse echoed in her ears. 'Find no resting place, for to live forever, a sacrifice must be held. Grow to love the rot of your wake, until your eyes locate the fear and the hate.' She wasn't sure what the lyrics of the curse meant, though, nobody did. Years ago, long before Ellie, or her parents, or even her great grandparents had lived, a crazed man rushed through town of Kings City, chanting that very saying. He vanished only two short hours later and was never seen again. His entire family had vanished: his father and younger brother and sister. Only his siblings bodies were found, he and his father was never seen or heard from again.

Soon, the sickening stench of decay overcame the breeze, and Ellie clamped her small hands over her nose and mouth, her eyes watering. She gazed around the area, fearful of what she could find. Would it be her brother's body? Or Arrow's? She couldn't stand the thought.

"Well, well, well. Now, if my eyes aren't mistaken, you must be a lost little girl in need of some aid," An eerie and raspy voice chuckled from behind her. Ellie spun around on her heals, her bright, blue eyes striking upon the scrawny and sickly figure of an elderly man. Well... What she thought at first was an elderly man.

Once her eyes adjusted to the moonlight on the figure, it was clear that he was not human. Half of his face had rotted away, and his clothing was tattered and torn. His hair was solid black, slicked back in an old-school, fancy way. She let out a terrified squeak, backing away.

"Now, don't be afraid of me, little miss, I am just going to escort you back to town," He snickered before breaking down into a fit of coughing.

"Get away from me!" Ellie cried before turning and running as fast as her little legs would carry her, deeper into the woods.

She could hear his jagged and limping footsteps give chase behind her, and he was surprisingly fast for as mangled as his body was. She aimed for a meadow that lay a half mile ahead of her, praying that she could dive into the willows and hide, though, she barely made it halfway before her shirt was grabbed and her tiny body was yanked backwards. The stink of rot filled her nose as she struggled in the zombie's death grip, screaming bloody murder.

"Yell all you wish, my dear. Nobody can hear you out here," He laughed.

Tears filled Ellie's eyes as the man reared his head back, his rotting mouth open wide as he prepared to take a bite out of her neck. Around them, the trees were filled with a blinding blue light. She squeezed her eyes closed, panic rising in her throat.

"You know? I feel like this reign of terror has gone on for far too long, wouldn't you agree, father?" A male voice snarled from within the light.

Ellie felt the zombie tense up.

"Do us all a favor and put the poor child down," A soft spoken, female voice said, and the zombie tossed Ellie to the ground.

"This... This can't be possible!" The zombie's raspy voice whimpered.

"It is, and your time of victimizing people has come to and end!" Another voice, a more familiar voice, snarled.

Ellie forced her eyes open, squinting as she peered into the light. Countless figures lined the trees. And standing in the lead was the source of the familiar voice. It was Arrow.

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